chapter 25: controling the power

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Astral p.o.v

I slowly opened my eyes and found my self in a very posh room this wasn't what I was used to I was in a king sized bed and the room was clearly a royal room for higher up people and that's when a familiar face walked in threw the double doors, "willy tybur and miss tybur the war hammer Titan" I said quickly getting out the bed and saluting.

"There is no need for the salute you are very important and above everyone else even you friends" willy tybur said and I quickly spoke up "where are my friends ... Where is porco" I said and willy gave a very posh laugh "you no longer need to worry about them your the founding Titan and definitely the most powerful ... Your like a prince to Marley now they are dirt" he said and I got angry.

"If you don't want me bite my hand and destroy this place then you better understand that I grew up with them and they mean more to me then you do to me" I said clenching my first while giving them a glare, "your very loyal aren't you ... We give you the offer to live a better life and you'd rather be with them" miss tybur said and I didn't intend to leave them.

"I wasn't the only who got the founding Titan they helped as much as I did they deserve to be treated better then trash" I spat those words at them soaked with venom "fine they will be invited to the supper as we talk about you control over your power and possible training" willy tybur said as he left with miss tybur, I sighed that was the first time I had denied the orders of a higher up and I could have accepted been treated like a prince but I won't accept.

*One hour later*

After my little argument I didn't see willy tybur untill he returned to inform me that the meeting is beginning so I followed him to the dinning area were I found the rest of the tybur family was sitting and my friends including Annie Reiner, porco and marcel, Zeke couldn't be here as he had military reasons but I was fine.

I sat in my seat next to porco and the meeting began "so this young child is the one that holds the founding Titan" the oldest at the table asked and I nodded to answer his question "and how much control do you have?" He asked and I sighed "at the moment i have been able to transform over a hundred people into Titan's and have full control over all of them" I said and he nodded "but I do not know the limits from what ymir told me I have unlocked the true power of the founding Titan" I said and they looked at me confused.

"Ymir?" They asked and I nodded "she was the original founding Titan and she promised me the powers and she did so at her own will" I said and they just looked at me I then felt porco place his hand on my leg calming my nerves a lot "but she also stated that if I work on controling the powers I would be able to break the curse of ymir" I said and they all started talking among each other.

"Well with your slight rebellious nature you showed us in that room we were considering having you eaten but this information has changed our mind" willy tybur said looking at me, I could feel him squeeze my leg in rage "I didn't mean to sound rebellious but you were mocking my friends that is all my loyalty is with Marley all the way" I said placing a hand on porcos hand to help calm him down now.

"Apologies accepted we understand how you feel about your friends ... Though you seam to be closer to one more then the others" willy said looking at me and porco we were clearly holding hands under the table, I gave him a glare "and does that harm what you think of me" I said and he shook his head "many men have the desire to have a fling with a man" willy said and I scoffed at him "well then lucky he's not a fling and will be sticking with me for a while" I said giving him a polite smile instead of stinging venom into my words.

"That's not possible ... We won't have our greatest weapon be a cock sucker" willy said standing up and I stood up as well "I'm no weapon ... I'm a living thing ... And I can love who I want" I said and before anyone could possibly say or do anything I grabbed a knife and slammed it into my hand "now you listen here I'm not your weapon I am a warrior I am human I am no machine so you better respect me" I shouted at him as blood poured out of my hand.

'you ... You ... Stood up to him' I heard ymir speak but I didn't react but I kept a close ear to it 'you stood up to a leader ... You truly do believe in choice ... I did lie about giving you that power but now I trust you' she had finished and I felt a surge of energy "what the hell" I said and they went from looking at me mad to confused "ymir just spoke to me ... She lied about her promise ... But now she believes that I do believe in choice" I said and they looked even more confused.

Suddenly I felt my eyes hurt and I started seeing many things all the memories of every Titan shifter and then it came to ymir she was smiling and suddenly she collided with me 'you have broken the curse ... You have replaced me ... When you die the others will die' she said as she faded away.

Narrator p.o.v

As astral and ymir became one the other Titan shifters felt a sting of pain before receiving a message from astral 'all shifters I have done the unthinkable I broke the curse of ymir your lives will be long and loved use it wisely and don't get eaten' and they all reacted even those who lived on the island eren and Armin.

Everyone of the Marleyen Titan shifters at the table reacted "what now" willy tybur shouted and miss tybur was first to answer "I believe your confrontation with astral has lead to him accidentally finding the powers to break the ymir curse meaning all Titan shifters no longer die on the 13th year" she said and willy looked at astral his eyes were not blue but purple and glowing before fading back.

"Woh that was trippy" astral said blinking multiple times before fully retuning "I just saw everyone's memories and ymir allowed me to break the curse" astral said sitting down and taking out the knife, after that everyone ate there food silently though all were happy about how this has ended.

Ymir's curse was gone but eren and the devil's haven't stopped thinking of the deaths and want revenge even with the warning that astral gave to them.

The founding child(discontinued being remade (attack on Titan) (Porco X Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now