35. Interested?

Beginne am Anfang

"Same as ever, Kitkat."

She paused and I smirked victorious at the tightening of her features.

"Anyways." I breezing continued, watching her face attentively. "Do you know Mayor Welsh was arrested this morning?"

She glanced at me, "Oh?" She didn't seem surprised and I filed away the information.

So suspicious. My crush was so suspicious.

She looked around and I figured what she was looking for so I grabbed her phone from her table and gave it to her.

She took it wordlessly and I was suffocating at the tension, the awkwardness I could feel with her right now.

Kitkat was my distraction, my obsession, my mysterious crush. I never felt awkward with her.

Kitkat got busy with her phone and finished the porridge simultaneously.

She reached for the biscuits but I stopped her. "Don't eat too much or you might throw up." I reprimanded. "Take it slow and easy."

She rolled her eyes.

Awkward silence pulsed between us and I broke it. "How do you feel about it? I heard Veronica was in a bad state, throwing a tantrum and all that." I observed her, folding my arms over my chest well aware it would emphasize my muscles.

"I guess she had it coming."

That seems true but..."All their assets were frozen and some confiscated too." I looked outside where the sun was already setting. "She might be going from riches to rags."

A wry smile inched up Kitkat's face and then vanished just as quickly.

I felt more than a little frustrated.

I looked around her room again. Having cleaned it, I'd come across weird trinkets and books but nothing really truly out of the ordinary. The walls were bare, only painted a light lavender and white.

"How did you get your tattoos?" The sudden question from Lila made my eyes snap to hers.

I stared at her before answering. "At a tattoo shop."

She gave a deadpanned look and I felt my mouth twitch in a familiar sense of elation. But deciding not not push my luck too far today, I answered her sincerely.

"I liked how they looked." Simple, to the point and sadly true. I didn't have a story behind any of my tattoos. The snake one looked cool, just like the flames.

So I had them done.

Oh, it'd been very painful but....well the end result was satisfying and above all that....it made me fit into the group where not a single guy was without tattoos.

So yeah, that might have been the main motivation but to tell Lila that would be too much information.

Lila nodded, "So it wasn't to fit in?"

I startled, "What?"

She didn't repeat herself, looking out of the window but I was already aware of her implications.

Well, I guess considering how smart Kitkat was, it wasn't really a big surprise she figured it out.

The good thing was she wouldn't know where to fit in I took the step.

I felt my muscles tighten as I replied, "A little."

Her eyes had a glean in them, something wry but I couldn't concluded much from it. Deciding this was going nowhere, I though maybe I should leave Kitkat to her own antics.

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