26. Complexity

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(Derek's P.O.V)

I blocked the number.

But I couldn't block the words.

Was it worth reminiscing if the bad outweighed the good at times but there were moments that were irreplaceable and good despite the tragedies surrounding them?

I decided it was better to focus on someone else's story rather than my own one full of stupid mistakes and regretful whimsical decisions that cost me more than I'd imagined. It was at times like these that I went into deep thought.

There were four topics of gossip this tiny mysterious town of Ladenhill mostly seemed to revolve around:

One: Mellisa Waterbrook's death that they had buried so deep that no one spoke of her. Like she was taboo to be mentioned.

Two: Lila Smith because she was an apparent witness and confirmed best friend of the deceased. But for me, she'd been an object of interest in the start. I can't claim that it's still the same because pesky feelings have been involved and I feel too attached to not just her right now, but this new circle of friends I've made here.

Three: Black & Blue for it's abrupt reformation and being the current center of all activity in Ladenhill that was of interest. Including fights and partying with underage booze and sex and maybe even drugs if what I'm smelling right now really is weed.

Cheers erupted from the crowd and my eyes snapped up to see what the cause was. The Wildcat had just entered, her purple streaked hair a beacon as much as her blue eyes colliding with mine were.

And last but not the least comes number four: The Wildcat.

She was enchanting.

She was tempting.

She was dangerous.

She was interesting, shrouded in layers of mystery and anonymity.

She was like a beckoning for my ruin.

But something told me the ruin the Wildcat would bring me would be far different from the one Ana had brought me.

And on top of that, she was one of the most perplexing presences in Ladenhill with a literal mask to cover her face and countless other hacks to hide her identity.

Her blue eyes looked away, dark hair mixed with purple strands and I was reminded of the first time I'd come to see her fight at Blue. I'd seen her back then, her eyes ensnaring mine and she'd been just as magnetic. 

Although it'd been months since then and I was accustomed to her fights now, she still blew my mind away every time.

For a second, I wondered why it was that they reached me when I was usually at Blue. I would keep them out of my life as much as I could but I wasn't the puppeteer here and there was only so much I could do alone. But I didn't want them following me here, I was finally free when we moved, but apparently that was only a one-sided belief.

I shook my head, praying for the ominous thoughts to fall away like autumn leaves despite the fact that my dark thoughts were nothing like pretty rust-colored leaves.

However, the questions that could manage giving me sleepless nights were : Who and Why?

The 'who' - everyone wanted to know. But after spending much time here and observing the Wildcat, I was impertinent regarding the question of 'why' this girl who looked to be our age was so addicted to fighting.

Of course, that didn't mean I'd forgotten my first mission and I would definitely find out her identity.

Gearing up against Michael, she took her stance and since MMA was the fighting style now, I was looking forward to how things would go with Michael against her.

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