"Nope" we all said his mouth hung open "wait my dad didn't call you guys parents?" He asked

"Oh no he did I just got off easy this time with just dish duty" I said with a shrug

"Yeah mom and dad was mad but not that mad as they had other things on their mind so I was let off easy as well" Sam said "and you" Max asked Alex "oh my parents gave me a lecture they were honestly just relieved that I didn't end up in jail" Alex said

"Ugh no fair your parents were all cool about it while mine acted like I killed someone" Max said Alex patted him on the back "tuff luck dude" he said

"Anyways I should get going though my dad said if I'm late to class again and he hear about it he'll make me bunk with that bum smelling old man again, see you guys at lunch?" He asked

"Yeah" I said "cool bye guys" Max said leaving and Alex following closely behind him. Once they were gone I closed my locker after getting what I needed out of it, "we should get to class too" I said she nodded and we started walking towards our 1st hour class, "you know it's surprising how you kept your cool around him you know with the whole you like him thing" I said to Sam "what can I say I have a poker face" she said "sure you do that and...you don't want him to know do you" I said she sighed "I hate that you know me so well" she said I chuckled "why not?, do you know how long he's had a crush on you for I mean he's probably given up by now he haven't asked you out and you haven't got the chance to shoot him down in weeks" I pointed out.

"I know it's just that.....it's max the max we grew up with , I mean I've never thought of him as a brother but I never thought of him as a boyfriend either, I don't know if what I felt that night was just in that moment or what" she said

"Well how did you feel just a few minutes ago talking to him" I asked

"I was wondering how his lips would feel on mine" she said I chuckled

"Oh god I actually do have feelings for that dork" she said putting her hands over her face while shaking her head I laughed "you'll be fine maybe talk to him one on one though" I said

"Your right,  anyways let's talk more about this mysterious woman you like" she said

"What?! I don't like her she's like way older then me I think" I said

"And is that the only reason?" She asked I rolled my eyes causing her to laugh

"Is she hot?" She asked "I don't know" I said turning red

"Oh my friend I think you do know" she said

"Fine ok she is soooo hot" I said

"Ha I knew it" Samantha said "So new crush?" She asked

"I- Maybe" I said Sam started smiling from ear to ear. there's just something shady about her I thought to myself. Just then we got to the class room which was English we both went in and took our seats next to each other as the teacher then started her lesson for the day.

After school I was on my way to the restaurant with Sam as she made an agreement to help out there with my parents. We came up on the restaurant only to see the parking lot completely empty except for two other cars my par and some other car that looked very expensive might I add, "it doesn't look like anyone's here today" Sam said as we were parked outside "yeah it looks empty you should go home if there's no one here them I'm sure your not needed today" I said she nodded and I got out of the car. "Ok babes call me when you get home love you lots" she said "I will and love you lots too" I said as she pulled off down the road I turned and looked at the restaurant before making my way up to the door and going in, "mama? Papa?" I called out "over here honey" they said just then I seen them sitting at a table I walked Over to them "hey what's going one" I asked "you mother and I have made the decision to sell the restaurant" my dad said holing my moms Hands in his

"What?! Why" I asked

"Well honey we've been struggling with the bills for a while now we thought we could pay it little by little but every where we look there's a new problem" my mom said I shook my head

"No you can't do this I'll get another job and help you pay for everything" I said my papa shook his head

"No you just focus on graduating plus it's way to much" he said

"Well how much do we owe" I asked My dad sighed

" 10,000" he said

"Oh well I don't like it but maybe I could ask Samantha to ask her parents if we could loan it" I suggested

"No we couldn't borrow money from the Lee's you know that's not who we are" my mom said

"Well we can't sell this restaurant is our families Legacy do Abuela and Abuelo know about this" I asked

"Honey they suggested it months ago" my dad said

"Look princess if we sell the restaurant we'll have enough money to put you through college and enough to buy a new house and we'll have a lot more left over after all that" my mom said I sighed and looked down at the ground feeling my eyes start to water.

"Oh honey we love this restaurant just as much as you do I mean you practically grew up here and it gave me and your father a fresh start now we just think that it's time to give you the same somewhere else we know how much you wanted to go to college we seen The brochures on your bed months ago" my mom said

"Yeah your not really good at hiding things" my dad said I looked up at them

"Mama papa I-" I said

"It's ok we knew we wouldn't be able to hold on to you forever but we wouldn't be parents if we didn't try" my dad said i sighed and both my parents stood up to hug me after a minute we all pulled away hearing someone clear there throat I looked over to see a old while man with glasses on "oh sorry right" my dad said

"So the money should be in your bank account now" the man said

"Right thank you Mr Merlock" my dad said shaking the guys hand before walking him to the door once he was gone we all just stood  there looking around at the place we all loved so much. My dad warped an arm around my shoulder seeing the sad look on my face.

"Hey you'll be graduating in two weeks look at this as the start of your new beginning"  my dad said I smiled at him and hugged him tight.


End of chapter

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