28.| overprotective.

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28.| overprotective.

word count- 1043

rue had been sitting on the small ice cream freezer in front of the counter i was working at. ashtray hasn't came out the freezer since we got here but we're quite busy so i understand.

"oh shit caye, you heard about the party tonight right?" rue turned around to look at me taking the green apple flavored lollipop out her mouth.

"no, what party?" i laugh looking at her confused. please tell me something good so i can go.

" some private school hill billy is hosting a huge fucking pool party, everyone is gonna be there, you should come with me, jules says she has some sort of date with her dad tonight so she can't make it." rue explained swinging her lollipop around.

"yeah, ill be there." i nod gulping and looking at my phone. i was wondering weather i should message ash or is that too clingy?

"but anyways, you and ashtray like a thing now or?" rue asked looking around the store awkwardly.

"no, just yeah." i press my lips into a straight line. well this is very awkward.

" oh and here." rue took out the letter he wrote me from that afternoon from her pocket.

"i forget this-" i look at the letter shocked.

"jules found it in her blanket." rue shrugged. im so fucked up for leaving his letter there, and i seriously forgot about it too.. next thing you know fez walks into the shop. i smile at him knowing he should be proud that his business is up and running properly.

"word." fez smirks looking around noticing some blonde chick in the back with ash. she's been there for quite some time but im going to keep it on the low.

"you should've known i would've had this in the bag." i shrug with a smile.

"she's a boss ass bitch fez." rue yelled pointing her finger harshly at him.

"i know. i know." fez nodded taking out a freshly rolled blunt from his ear.

"i owe you this." fez hands it to me and i smirk.

"shit what flavor?" rue asked looking at it. this shit was fat as hell.

" kiwi lemon lime babyyy." fez smirked as i gazed at it. this was beautiful.

"light my shit." i place it between my lips and fez walks over lighting it up. i inhale the bitter flavoring. the weed taste took up most of my mouth but the flavor was stronger then most blunts. i look back into the freezer the bitch now sitting on the couch giggling and shit.

"give me a second." i place the blunt between my fingers and jump over the counter swinging the freezer door open slamming it behind me. ashtray quickly stopped smiling once i walked in.

"oh hey." the blonde girl turns around smiling brightly at me with a vape in her hand.

"hi?" i said back more in a questioned tone.

"im kenzie." she looks at me still enthusiastic.

" she looks at me still enthusiastic

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lily parrish- kenzie.

"caye." i place the blunt back in my mouth and look over at ashtray who seems chill.

"so kenzie." i take a seat on the far end of the couch as she sits at the other end staring straight at ash who is looking back at her and they exchange smiles. bitch.

"yeah?" kenzie doesn't take her eyes off of him.

"you aren't so familiar to me.. who are you?" i ask blowing the smoke out through the side of my mouth.

" well, im like family to ash. and i moved to colorado like four years ago, and i came back because you know.." kenzie looked at me trying to get me somewhere but i really didn't know why she came back.

"kenzie is my grandmother's best friends great great grand daughter." ashtray buds in. now i just felt bad, i thought so low of ash i really thought he would just cheat.. well we aren't together. but you know.

"that's cute." i nod taking in some more smoke.

"kenzie, fezco just got back in, give me a minute." ashtray nudges his head towards the door. kenzie's eyes light up.

" oh my- my gosh! you guys are- WHATTT???" kenzie looks back at ash then me then ash then me, at least five times.

"shut the fuck up and go." ashtray covers his face with his hand a bit.

" mhmm." kenzie giggles before she leaves.

" she seems cool." i nod inhaling more smoke.

" ma, what did i tell you about smoking that shit." ashtray looks at me clearly upset. this is definitely kicking in.

" fez gave to me as a thank you gift so i took it." i shrug blowing out the smoke and tapping the ashes on the top of my finger as they fell to the floor.

" take your last takes and please just stop." ashtray seemed worried. i nodded. did he not notice something was off? i was clearly pissed about this new bitch being here and if she came all the way down from colorado she isn't leaving anytime soon which means she might be staying with us, and best believe that will be a huge problem.

"your bothered by kenzie." ashtray nods.

"no, she's cool." i burn out the blunt and toss it on the floor.

" ma, im not interested in her, at all, she's family i could never ever do that, especially to you." ashtray opened the microwave taking out a small glass blue bowl. i just nod. i don't believe him, after all he was staring at cassie a few nights ago.

"alright ash." i nod just staring at the floor. fez walked in knocking on the wall roughly.

"we closing up." fez nodded and i got up walking out. kenzie and rue laughing hard. she going to steal my friend too? maddy would definitely not fuck with this bitch so im not worried.

"hey caye, have you met kenzie? she's lit." rue laughed and kenzie just sat there blushing. this girl is going to be the absolute head ache i do not need right now.

A/N- lmaoo, what do we think of kenzie guys? she's going to be some major ass tea i feel it, but how to do we feelll hmm? GUYS I LOVE U OKAY? xoxo- j.

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