I know, I know. I should have just came clean in the first place, but it was much too heavy of a topic for me to bring up. And I couldn't exactly casually bring it up in a conversation. Where would I even begin with that like

Hey Isaac, I hope you don't mind but Chris and I used to be a thing. Yeah, we go wayyy back, but it's okay, just try not to have a mental picture of him and I going on dates and having steamy kissing sessions. Okay pookie bear?

Of course not; because this was a bombshell, a disaster waiting to happen. Last thing I needed was for Isaac to be worried everytime I hangout with my friends because my ex is part of my circle.

Yes, we did have our moments where we stumbled a bit on each other, I'm glad to say that we're platonic as siblings.

I hope.

But was I wandering on unfamiliar territory by introducing my boyfriend to my best friend, who is actually really is my ex without me giving my boyfriend a heads up?

Nah... I'm... it's okay.

Felix fell back at out booth with heavy pants and sigh. Picking up a thick coaster to fan himself off.

"You good mate?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I just need a few minutes." His chest heaved, looking like he was about to ascend.

"Felix why are you still here? I told you not to come, I don't want Isaac to meet you here." I said referring to the fake fight we had in the group chat not long before now.

"Wait, you were serious about that?" Felix paused his dramatic breathing almost instantly, his face pinched tightly together.

"Of course I was. You are an overbearing wild child with questionable social habits and I don't want you to scare him away."

He raises his hand as if to come up with a rebuttal but put it back down. "l was going to fight you on that but you're right. I can't even deny that. But I'm sorry, if he's boring as I believe he is, I'm not showing him mercy. Dustin is already boring enough for all of us."

"Boring? I was literally just from hyping you up while you did your attempt at that dance." Dustin raised his hand in confusion.

"I was just joking." Felix hugged, or rather latched unto him like a parasite.

"You're so obnoxious." I teased.

"Me?" He scoffed. "You just don't know how to communicate, this is how we communicate. Right pal?" He asked, still latched into Dustin. Hands over his shoulders and all.

Julia folded her arms at that. "Bullshit, don't call him pal. I think you need a few friendship lessons or two."

"And who's going to give them to me? You? Yeah right, I'm not taking lessons from a blabber mouth."

"Me? When have I ever?"

My eyes rolled at how continuously childish Felix liked being. Tonight everyone was his victim.

"Let's go get our drinks before we catch crazy from this weirdo over here." Chris saved.

I stood up and Chris followed. We sat by the front bar as the bartender finished up on preparing the drinks.

I stood up and Chris followed. We sat by the front till and then before anything, I put my hands over his and smiled. Then said in a whisper. "I'll never tell Julia this but, you have made it to bestfriend status."

Chris looked down at me, his gaze causing me to shrink under him. His bright teeth illuminating on my olive skin as his smile slowly widened.

"I'll never tell anybody body this, especially Felix. But you're my bestfriend too." His voice floating on the air like wind.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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