Chapter 25

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Kelly's POV

I woke up and my head was throbbing, again. How many times is this going to happen to me. I tried to rub my eyes but my hands could barely move. I opened my eyes and looked to see what was going on. My wrists were chained to the wall!

"Good. you're finally awake. The boss will be happy to hear that." A girl standing outside my cell said monotonously. 

"Gee. So glad I woke up." I said with a glare towards her. 

"I'd watch your tone if I were you. Boss doesn't take kindly to disrespect." She told me and walked away. A few minutes later, after I figured everyone was gone, I tried using my magic to get the cuffs undone.

"You shouldn't do that. It'll only hurt you." a voice said. Damn with all these voices. Why can't people just make themselves known in the first place? Is it so damn hard?

"Who are you?" I asked without my voice cracking once. Go me!

"Your new best friend." They said. It sounded kind of girly but you can never be so sure.

"Can I get a name and a face?" I asked irritated. People just have no decency anymore.

"Katherine." She said and scooted forward to let me see who she was. I knew her, but I couldn't quite put my finger on who she really was.

"Well I'm Kelly." I said. She was in the cell straight across from me so we could see each other clearly.

"Wait. Kelly? As in Kelly Johnson?" She asked and I could see that she was starting to cry.

"No, sorry. Kelly Clark." I said. I felt like maybe I could have done something to help her not be so sad, but what would I do? I was chained to a freaking wall!

"It's ok." She said sniffling. "She was my daughter, only daughter."

"I'm so sorry." I said. I couldn't imagine losing my only child and not knowing if they were dead or alive.

"It's ok. I knew once they took her I would never get her back." At this point she was crying so hard I could barely understand her. "She was a hybrid so she's probably dead anyway."

"Wait, hybrid?" I asked. As far as I knew, I was the only hybrid born in the last century at least.

"Now before you say anything about her being a hybrid, it wasn't her fault. She didn't ask to be born that way." She said getting very defensive.

"No, of course I understand." I said calmly. "How old would your daughter be now?"

"16, almost 17 by now. She was taken when she was just a few months old."

She couldn't be talking about me... could she?

The Orphaned Hybrid MateWhere stories live. Discover now