Chapter 9: Eyes Wide Open

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I couldn't explain what I had seen and trying to would be pointless when Nolan believed everything that had happened came about due to a sickness

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I couldn't explain what I had seen and trying to would be pointless when Nolan believed everything that had happened came about due to a sickness. I stared at his mouth as we stood in the corner of the brightly lit studio.

"You're utterly insane to say what you said on a public platform." It was obvious he hadn't been sleeping at all as he was still fully clothed in his button-down long sleeve shirt and navy slacks. Even his expensive dress shoes were still secured to his feet. "I saw it all. Apparently, you never wanted to be the spokesperson for SSL? Well, that's news to me, especially since you signed the contract. Ms. Rhea Patel."

"No, I didn't like how they implied only certain types of people could wear their clothes." I raised my voice as he had, releasing my unbridled frustrations. "I told you that, and you, yes you, Mr. Nolan Hudson, convinced me to sign the contract because it was 'a great financial move.' So, thank you for convincing me to sell my soul."

He chuckled. "So, now I forced your signature on that contract?"

"I had morals." I sneered in disgust.

"What is morality when there's money involved?" He scoffed and stuffed his hands in his pant pockets.

I shook my head, taking in his cold demeanor. "You don't care about me. This whole relationship is based on padding your pockets. Just admit it."

"How dare you say that!" He narrowed his eyes, finally showing a heart by placing his hand above his. "It's clear you have no idea how much I love you. Sure, the money is great, but I will literally lay down and die for you. After all these years, how can you not see it?"

"You say that every time I threaten to leave and live my life the way I want," I shook my head, forcing myself not to believe it this time. "That's always been your way of making me feel guilty, so I stay, and we make love, and the cycle continues. But not anymore, Nolan. It ends today."

"Rhea, come on now." He gulped then sighed. "Listen—"

"No, I'm always listening. That's all I do, but when is it my turn to start being listened to?" I shook my head. "If you really loved me or cared, you would've told me you wanted to manage Joselyn Murphy's acting career. But you didn't because that's a conflict of interest and you know I wouldn't have agreed."

"So, she told you, huh?" He dropped his gaze. "This is what this is about, me managing Joselyn? I didn't want to upset you during fashion week, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. An old producer buddy is working on his debut film and needed a female lead. So—"

"I don't care." I swiped the air with my hand dismissively. "As of now, you're no longer my manager or my man. You can do as you please." I took a step in an attempt to leave the space.

"Rhea, you're not thinking this through." His voice grew an octave, causing me to stop in my tracks. "You need me. This is an important week. This week is everything. Are you just going to throw that away?"

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