Chapter 16: we're saved, we have rocks

Start from the beginning

I look over at Morgan, as does everyone else. She stands there, mouth slightly parting looking as unsure what to do as the rest of us. Dane's hiding his worry well but I can see in his eyes, he's freaking out inside. "Are they hunters or something else?" Kellan asks breaking the silence. "How do they know where we are?

"I don't know how they know our location." Victoria says.

"And you killed both of them. We could've questioned them." Kellan glowered. "Next time don't be such a-."

"I'd be very careful with what you say next." Her eyes shift to their deep red. "I went in their heads. They're nothing more than messenger boys. Some hunters paid them to deliver that phone here by any means necessary. They didn't know anything of substance." She says as her eyes return back to their dark brown.

Grayson descends on the staircase. "What's with the council meeting?" He asks nearing us. He looks over at Victoria. "Oh I missed something fun?"

"Just her killing two innocents." Kellan snarks.

"Yeah, I said fun." Grayson says.

"That's what you're stuck on?" Victoria tilts her head slightly at Kellan.

"Shut up, everyone." Dane says before Kellan could open his mouth to respond. "What's on the phone? Did you look?"

"No I just brought it up here." She says.

"I'd like to know what the message is." Morgan says lowly but monotonously, her stare fixated on the phone.

She outstretches her hand over the counter for me to hand her the phone. I place the phone in the palm of her open hand. She flips it open, staring at the soft light emitting from the phones outdated tiny screen. "There's a voicemail."

Calmly she presses the arrows on the keypad going over to it. She hesitates over 'OK.' Exhaling she finally presses it, bringing the phone to her ear. I, along with everyone begin listening in.

"Hello Miss Sinclair. You don't know me but your friends might. I'm sure they're listening in- hello Your Highnesses, it's Mercer."

Fucking Mercer. I look around at everyone's collective eye roll.

"Anyways, I'm gonna need you to come out of hiding. I know, you're probably thinking; 'why would I do that? I'm safe in this nice house, surrounded by these royal assholes.' And you'd be right. We'd be idiots to attack you when there's 5 other High Royals with you. We're smart enough to know we're not equipped for that, even with our fun new abilities. So yes. You're safe... but you know who's not safe? Your family."

I hear Morgans heart skip a beat and all color drains from her face.

"Victoria, if you're listening honey? You're gonna need to plan a few funerals for a couple of your nobles." Victoria closes her eyes and tenses her jaw. "So I have mom, dad, Lindsey, and Christopher here. They miss you Morgan, even if you are a repulsive monster. So why don't you come and visit them. Only you... If I see any of your little friends I'll be forced to do something I don't wanna have to do. Your family's innocent in all of this. I'll text you the information. I do hope to see you soon Morgan." The voicemail stops, forcing an eerie silence upon us all. With shaky hands Morgan places the phone down in front of her. She grips her arm, vehemently fighting back tears. We all silently watch her like she's a bomb about to explode.

"Morgan?" Kellan asks reaching out to touch her arm. She pulls away and takes a step back. She turns around with her hands running through her hair. She brings them down to her sides clenching and unclenching her hands into a fist, I hear her sniffle along with a trembly exhale. She turns back to us wiping her reddened eyes, attempting to hide her visible distress.

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