Chapter 23: a night off

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"Couldn't sleep even if I wanted to." I say turning my attention back to the vast darkness of the surrounding parts of the large compound.

"Ah. What's the issue? Kellan's ego taking up too much room?" He fake gasps and I suck my teeth. "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you two called it quits." He feigns sympathy only sounding as smug as ever.

"Shouldn't you be killing some poor innocent girl right now?"

"It's a little early for that." He says unfortunately walking over to me.

"Oh right it's only 10." I snark as he leans against the house next to me. The last thing I want right now- Grayson in my presence.

"Exactly." He crosses his arms and looks me over, I hope he can see my blatant irritation and walks away. "You're a little snippy tonight." He points out.

"I'm in a mood." Clearly.

"In a mood? Is that a new way of saying you're starving? Half a blood bag going well?"

"It's working fine." I lie.

"Based on your behavior and your appearance that somewhat resembles a crackhead going through withdrawal-."

"Thank you so much, you're too kind."

He chuckles lapsing his tongue over his bottom lip. "Based on that, I'd say it's just barely keeping you functioning." I stay silent keeping my eyes on the softly illuminated concrete in front of me. I really hate when he's right. "You're silence is deafening." He says lowly.

"Okay. I'm a little-."

"A lot." He corrects me.

"I am hungry... I just have to adjust to it." I seem to always be having to adjust.

"No they have to adjust to you."

"It's fine." They're all disciplined. This works clearly, I trust them but I do feel like shit.

"It's not fine. How does your body feel right now?"

"Wrong." I exhale. "Like it's always been." I say under my breath.

"What do you mean always?" He questions, stepping out in front of me commanding my attention.

I catch his oddly intense stare through narrowed eyes. "My body's never felt right. I just thought there was something wrong with me but turns out it was repressed vampirism."

He quickly lightens his gaze like his sudden interest in my words was a mistake on his part and shook it off. "Couldn't figure that one out?"

"It was next on my list of possible explanations."

He looks around- either he's intently thinking or checking for something. He bites his lip briefly and takes a breath. "Alright. Let's go."

I blink at him. "Go where?"

He shrugs. "It's a surprise."

"That's worrying."

"It's not anything you need to worry about, it'll be a fun time."

"Coming from you, that's worrying."

"Well, I'm sorry did you have some other riveting activities planned for the rest of your night? Starving, maybe some crying, or-."

"Shut up." I snap at him.

"Then let's go. Before the others come out to micromanage your life some more."


My leg bounces up and down anxiously while in a car with Grayson Spencer of all people. A car that he technically stole from the compound nonetheless. I don't know what this is and I don't know why I even went with him but here I am.

Children of The FallenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant