" Don't mind her. Here. " Lia said as she gave us our food.

Chaeyoung sat where Seulgi was. While I sat beside my friends.

" Where the hell did you go? Did you two fix your things? " Nayeon asked me while we were eating.

" Yeah. I didn't know that she followed me. I thought she just let me go out there. " I said.

" I guess Ms. playgirl has a heart too. Hahaha. " Jeongyeon said.

" Haha. What are our plans after this? Are you gonna all swim or dive or what? " Lisa asked us.

" Daniel wants us to dive there. " Jihyo pointed to the place where the diving is.

" I want to come too!!! " Nayeon said.

" Wow. I guess Nayeon was afraid of insects but not afraid to die. " Lisa.

" What?! " We all said in unison. 

We all laughed hard at her statement about Nayeon. We don't know what she meant but we are laughing hard. Then we all decided to take some rest after we ate lunch. We took our spot here in our area, then Chaeyoung approach me. 

" Hey. " she was shy as she say that. 

Why is she shy? Is she shy because of what we have done earlier?  Haha. I don't know, but I find it cute. 

" Hey! 'zup? " I jokingly said to her. 

" 'Zup? " She repeat what I said. 

She looks like she didn't understand what I said. It's written on her face. 

" Okay. That's a joke. " I said before she makes fun of me. 

" Hahaha. What the hell was that? " She asked me. 

I knew it. She just plays dumb to not know what I said. Tsk. 

" Yo! Wazzup mah Nigga?! " she said while reenacting all the blacks in the movies. 

Like, you know? The bad boy's movie? Aish. Whatever. 

" What the fuck are you doing, Chaeng? " Seulgi caught her doing that. 

" Oh shit! " Chaeyoung cursed as she play cool.

But it's too late because Seulgi is teasing her now. I laughed because the two were arguing again. 

" Hey?! What the hell? " Chaeryoung asked them because they were so loud now. 

I didn't stop their arguing because I know they are both making fun of each other now. 

" Geez. You two are unbelievable. " Lia said to us while handing me a coconut drink. 

" Yeah. Whatever. Let's go there? " Chaeyoung invited me as she pointed to some big rock on the other side of our place. 

" Don't go out of my sight. " Seulgi said. 

" Okay. Don't worry. " I said to Seulgi. 

We walked past right in front of the girls. And their look was something, and I know that they were teasing me in their mind. Yeah, I know that, because Chaeyoung and I are walking holding hands in front of them. As soon as we arrived at that big rock, Chaeyoung drag me underneath that. It's not hot in here, the rock was covering us under the sun while our feet were touching the sand and the sea. It was peaceful, you can't hear the noise of the other tourist that is why I enjoyed it. I love this kind of her. I mean, she let me know slowly her likes and dislikes. We slowly got to know each other. And it's a process! I'm happy about it.

After a few more minutes, we still did not speak to each other, but instead, we are still enjoying the silence between us. Yeah, I know it's weird but we have this in common. Hehe.

Queen Of My Heart (MiChaeng)Where stories live. Discover now