"You had a nice childhood," Lexi said. It wasn't a question. She could figure out that much.

"I did."

"I had a nice childhood too. I think that's why it hurt so bad when my mother left. If things had always been awful when she was there, it would have been a relief for her to leave. But... I had such an amazing childhood. So her leaving was really hard to digest," Lexi whispered.

There really was something about this, telling stories softly in the dark, cuddled against each other.

I'd never thought I'd be allowed to have moments like this with Lexi Grayson.

"Do you think you'll ever be able to work things out with your mom?" I asked her, brushing my fingers through her hair.

"Part of me doesn't want to. Part of me is still very angry. But another part of me misses her a lot."

"It's okay, whether you decide to forgive her or not. She's human, she can make mistakes. But your feelings are also legitimate and you're allowed to not want to forgive her."

"It's okay. I'll get use to change eventually. And I think I'm mostly fine now. I still have Dad and Tyler. And I have my friends. And I have you," she said, and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

I kissed her back. "You do have me."

"You don't like Pepsi, right?"

I laughed a little too loudly, surprised by the question. "Okay, that was seriously random."

"Answer the question, Blake Eaton."

"Not really. It's too much sugar for me. I don't hate sugar, but I'm not a sugar addict like you either."

"I don't know how we'll be able to live together if I can't fill a fridge with Pepsi."

"It's bad for your teeth. And your health in general," I pointed out.

"But it's so good."

"So, you're more for instant gratification and not long-term gains? Good to know."

"You've figured me out. I do like instant gratification," Lexi replied, sliding her hand under my shirt to get to my chest.

I chuckled, grabbing her hand. "I swear, I will go hide in the bathroom again."

She chuckled too, taking her hand away. "You're so weak."

I smiled at her, running a hand through her hair. She closed her eyes, leaning into my touch. "I am when it comes to you," I said softly.

We dozed off after that, her head tucked under my chin, whispering half sentences sleepily.

We went to school together, and the day was spent again, holding hands and stealing furtive kisses between classes. Our friends were still as supportive as they were teasing.

At the end of the day, I dropped Lexi off at her house and went to my own home.

I did want to spend more time with Lexi, but I also needed to have a talk with my parents. I owed them that much.

I waited for dinner time, when we were all sitting together around the table.

"You guys deserve an apology," I blurted out.

My parents kinda froze. Dad had his fork half way to his mouth. Mom was frowning.

"What?" she said.

I stared at the table. "I haven't exactly been the picture-perfect son lately. I've been throwing tantrums and I've been over reacting and putting stress on you guys, when... well it's really not fair. I'm not the only one who lost Jayden. We all did. And I shouldn't make everyone around me suffer when I have a problem."

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