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The deb ball was only 4 days and for some weird reason I was excited. I was on my phone in my room later that night andrea was already asleep and I was about to put my phone down when I got a text from Jacob it said for me to come outside and that it was important. I put on a hoodie and UGGs. When I got down there he looked serious. "What's the matter Jacob". I was really confused why he looked so serious. "Sam don't get mad at me but I lost feeling for you". My world shattered into a thousand pieces I mean this is the boy I always wanted a boy u actually thought about having a wedding with him and calling him maybe one day my husband so when those words came out of his mouth I started crying. "You lost feeling for me". I said in a shaky voice and tears rolling down from my eyes. He nodded "I'm sorry sam for stringing you on for this long I started to lose feeling after you asked me to be your escort and you didn't text me for 2 whole days". That was 2 weeks ago. "So your telling me you lost feeling for me 2 weeks ago". I again in a shaky voice. He just looked to the ground. "You don't even look upset while I'm over here balling my eyes out because i actually thought I had a future with you a real fucking future with you and that went to shit because you lost feeling for me because I didn't text you 2 days wow fuck you Jacob". I went back inside and slammed the door. I put my back to the door and just slid down the door till I hit the ground. I was just crying till the point I felt like I couldn't breathe. After 5 minutes I got up and walked to the pool area I put my feet in the water and just stared out to the dark night sky. I was just thinking how I fell In love with the same guy twice who knows maybe that rape story is fake and he just used it to get back with me. When I was looking out I felt someone sit next to me. When I looked it was Jeremiah. I guess I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't hear the door. "Hey sam you ok I heard you earlier". I just looked at him and Shaked my head no and broke down again. But this time Jeremiah pulled me into a hug and was telling me it was going to be ok. I didn't know why he was helping me because we were never very close but I knew if I was hurt anyone if the brothers would help me I just thought it would always be Conrad.

After talking we headed up stairs and he told me goodnight and I went in my room. Andrea was still sound asleep and I didn't know who to ask to be my escort anymore belly was taking Jere and Conrad would never take me and I didn't want him to he is a back stabbing bitch ass hoe. The next morning I hear everyone talking down stairs so I headed down there. "Oh hey sam come take a seat". Susannah never held a grudge unlike my mom who was upset because I proved her that her little angel isn't really what she looks like. So I sat down and grabbed a banana. "Aren't you gonna eat more hun". My mom just said that so she seemed like a concerned parents but in reality she didn't care. "Yeah I mean I shouldn't be eating much anyways or I'll get fat and not fit in my dress. The reason I said this was because last when Jere and I were outside he showed me something. It was a group chat with Conrad jere my brother and 2 other people. Conrad said that I should lose weight and I should stop eating so much or I'll gain weight and get fat and ugly then Steven agreed Jere actually stud up for me and he was called a dumb ass for doing so. So when those words came out of my month Conrad looked up at me then looked at SteveN and looked at me again. So being the wise ass I am I said something else "don't you agree Conrad that I should stop eating because you had a lot to say about me eating earlier". Jere had smirk on his face and Conrad just looked down at his plate. "What is she talking about Conrad" the one thing that pissed off Susannah was body shamming and if she knew her own son was saying these things she would be livid. "I don't know mom" "maybe the group chat will give you a reminder". Then I got up and left. Andrea followed after me while I heard upstairs. "Girl what is going on". She said concerned "oh you know Jacob breaking up with me for the second time and Conrad basically telling me I'm a wale and having to find out from Jeremiah". I said changing into some clothes. She just looked shocked. "Oh baby come here". She knew I was about to cry . We sat on the bed and I just cried in her shoulder. The Conrad came to the door. "Yo what was that about seriously". "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER CONRAD OR ILL FUCK YOU UP". Andrea said this she was my big sister and if I needed help she was right there. "Why is she crying". "BECAUSE SHE JUST GOT HEART BROKEN NOW SHE HAS TO DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT SO GET THE FUCK OUY LAST FUCKING TIME". His face changed and he left, the rest of the day I was in my bed and Andrea and I were just talking. Then mom knocked "hey Andrea can sam and I have a moment please". "Sure". She stepped out and mom sat on my bed. "I heard what happened. At first I thought it was the group chat but then she said something else. "I know the thing about Jacob". "Oh you do", she nodded. "People go through heart breaks and I know it's hard and especially with the group chat I get it but you have to keep moving". She said while touching my hair. "What is I can't move on". I said "oh trust me you will you will find someone that more then you ever wanted and you will forget about everything". We talked a little more and then she asked me. "So who will be your escort now.

I had no idea I mean I could ask Ryan but I just told mom I didn't know and she left. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day not wanting to leave and if I did I would be scared that someone might pull me aside and talk to me. Finally at 9;48 I was called down to get food. When I got up I felt extremely light headed but just brushed it off. When I got down stairs I was told to come to the living room. There in the room was Conrad Jacob belly and my mom as well as Susannah. "What is this". I said. Susannah spoke up "so we can clear the air". I didn't want to I felt like staying like this way was the best way but Susannah had a different way of looking at it. "Uh Jacob you go first". That's the last person I wanted to talk to but it's not like I can leave now. "Sam when I broke up with you and told you I lost feeling it was the truth and I didn't want to string you along and have me as an escort even when you could bring Conrad since you like him".  Then Susannah told me to answer "see you telling me that u lost feeling 2 weeks ago is kinda stringing me on and oh I don't like Conrad I mean he did comment on my body so why should I right Conrad what was it oh you think I should stop eating because if I don't I'll get fat".  I was just pissed off about everything and everyone. "Ok Connie your turn". His mother said "when I made those comments about your body I was kidding and sorry for not telling u sooner". I just mumbled something but mom heard. "What did you say hunny" great now I had to say it. "I said clearly it wasn't a joke when he wrote it and agreed with Steven". He just looked down and the room went quiet. Susannah went on a rant about certain things and after everyone left. I just texted Ryan. He told me to come over tomorrow and I agreed he gave me the Adresse and at first I didn't notice anything. All I knew is that he was 2 years older then me but we got along great.

The next day I got ready and skated to the Address when I got there my jaw was on the floor. The house I was at was Jacobs house. "Maybe he gave the wrong address" I said not wanting to believe it. Then I saw Ryan come out great it really was his house. And the person coming out behind him was Jacob. "Sam what are you doing here" I just didn't know what to say "wait you know my brother". OMG THEY WERE BROTHERS. "Yeah we used to date". I said "ooooh your the girl Jacob was crying over last night". Huh he cried last night "Ryan shut the fuck up". I mean I still liked Jacob maybe we just needed a break. Shit im doing it again going back to Jacob. "Come in Sam". Ryan said standing at the door so I walked in. It's how I remember it dark very my dream style home. Earthy and it's all I ever wanted as a house. "Want anything to drink". Jacob asked as Ryan headed upstairs. "Nah I'm good that's tho". I said "Ryan's just gonna take a shower so you can do whatever for now". "Ok cool". I said because what else was there to say "oh and that's for crying about me it's makes me feel like a celebrity". Then I just walked away and I saw a smile on his face. I still liked Jacob and he knew it.

Authors notes
Hey guys I hope y'all enjoy this one I know it was kind of rocky and I know I keep like making sam and Jacob break up but that's because I want there to be a lot of twist and turns and plot twist so just bear with me I am going to try my best to make another story tonight but don't count on it also do you think they should get back together🤨❤️

That same old summer (the summer I turned pretty)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant