The swim

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When Conrad left the room I got changed into the bikini ANDREA told me to pack. It was a black and the top was showy the bottom was also a little cheeky. But it was ok for the first time in how many months was I happy with my body. I put shorts on and got my towel and headed out. Conrad and the others were ready for the beach they were just waiting for me. "That god your finally here I was about to leave". Jeremiah said "oh please even if y'all left I would know the way to the beach". Then we all started to walk. I was talking to Jeremiah when I looked up and Conrad was looking at me. I just thought maybe something was on me but I didn't give much mind to it. When we arrived it was low tide to instead we decided to go to a standing deep tide pool. It was clear and no ocean life was in it. It was also quite far away from the ocean water so we had no waves hitting us. I took off my shorts and was the third one in. Belly and Conrad were the last ones to get in. We got a little bored and stared to play games.

"What about if we play put a finger down" Jeremiah asked. Everyone agreed and we put 10 fingers up. Belly was the first one up to ask the question. " put a finger down if you have had a make out with someone". Jeremiah,Steven,Conrad and me put a finger down. But this was different when I put my finger down Conrad looked at me and ask who. "Some guy at a party we were playing spin the bottle then he came up to me after and we just made". That was completely bullshit I just wanted Conrad to think I was cool and hot like him. I'm pretty sure he has had plenty of make outs. He just looked surprised and looked away. After a while. Belly Jeremiah and my brother when back to the house because they were tired but Conrad and I stayed. "So was the guy from the party your first make out" well I guess u could say that. He just looked at me up and down. "What" I asked "it's just weird hearing someone like u having a make out sesh with someone". We both laughed and then I got out. I put the towel on the sand and started to lay out. It was still 3pm so I had enough time to tan. I felt someone coke up behind me but u just acted like I was putting my towel down to tan. That is really what I wanted to do.

I laid down and just sat laid there. Soon after u felt someone next to me so I opened my eyes. Conrad was there just looking at me."Yes Conrad". "Do u know how beautiful you are Sam". Not going to lie I was blushing hard and he saw. "It's ok Sam no need to be blushing that hard". I couldn't hold it in I started to laugh and so did he. At that moment all I wanted to do was kiss him. He knew that I liked him and I didn't know if he liked me. We both sat up and started to talk. Mid way through me talking I noticed he is doing one of the triangle tricks. It when u look at one eye then the lips then the other eye. When I saw him doing this I blushed again. "What?" Even though u knew he was doing I still asked what? He pulled my hair behind my ear and leaned in. But not the way I expected. I leaned to my ear. And whispered "I think we should head back". Then he pulled back and got up, he helped me up and I put my shorts back on and took my towel. By the time we got back to the house it was 5:39 so I went upstairs to change for dinner. Today we were going to a restaurant and it was fancy. I'm not talking regular fancy I'm taking like dress and tucks fancy. Since we go every summer I make sure to bring a dress that fancy enough for this place. This year I brought a black dress that was silky. It was fitted at the top all the way to the waist then once it hit the bottom of the waist it went loose. I put on the dress after I did my makeup and put on heels. I put on some jewelry and I picked a bag. I was ready so I headed down the stairs. When I got down all eyes were on me. Normally belly has the eyes of people but this time the eyes were on me. Conrad took my arm and we walked to the car.

When we arrived we sat inside. I looked at the menu and saw what I wanted. We ordered I got the Surpenter so did Conrad and the mom's belly and Stephen got chicken Alfredo with broccoli. We got our food and we ate it. This place was the country club and tonight was something like a "ball". When the moms went to the bar the kids when to dance floor. Conrad danced with Steven found some girl and Belly danced with Jeremiah. When a slow dance game we just laughed but Conrad took my hand and we got in the slow dance position. When his hands were on my waist I wanted to faint. We were looking each other eye to eye. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were. Then he leaned in again but again he went to my ear. " should we leave". I agreed and we left secretly. "Can we stop at the gas station I need to get something". Conrad agreed and we walked to the nearest gas station, "hi can I get a blueberry black and grape explosion vape". I asked "ID" the man asked and I gave it to him, of course I gave him my fake one. He looked at me then the card then me then the card again gave it back and gave me the 2 vapes. Thank u sir I said and I walked out.

"What u get" i showed him. "No way u vape, I never thought Sam would vape a day in her life". U just laughed and let him hit a couple puffs. "Where u wanna go now" I wanna go home I said. So we walked home.

That same old summer (the summer I turned pretty)Where stories live. Discover now