The Hike

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When we got home I went straight up stairs, I wanted out of this dress. I'm not the type that wears mini skirts and mini dresses that's not me. I like to wear ripped jeans and my zip up hoodie. After taking off the dress and washed up I just went on my bed and went on my phone. After a few hours on my phone the others came back and you could tell the parents were drunk. Belly and Steven also Jeremiah helps the moms up the stairs to bed. I heard a knock on my door "yeah" then the door opened. It was belly she came and sat next to me on the bed. "So why did u can Conrad leave early" she ask. "I don't know we both hate things like this so we left". " oh ok I see you Sam". "It's not like that sam plus I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend". She just gave me a look then put her head on my lap.

When I woke belly was gone and I was in my sweat pants and a loose crop top. I didn't think much of it because I always went down like this. As soon as I got down there my mom told me to go change because we were going on a hike. But if wasn't a family hike it was a hike with only the kids. So I went back upstairs and put on baggie jeans and a oversized shirt. Then my converse went on as well. Then I headed back down the stairs and I guess I was the last one to get ready. "Finally we have been waiting for 15 minutes". Of course Jeremiah said this because he couldn't wait more then 5 minutes without complaining about something. "Oh please u act like we haven't waited for u long then me". Then like that we were off.

We have this trail we hike at every year since I was able to walk. But we recently started going alone. We always make sure to bring a swimsuit because on the trail we pass a little water fall that leads into a lake. "Hey does anyone remember where the waterfall was". We all said no until we saw in the distance the waterfall. We all ran to it, there is this little cave on the side of the waterfall where we changed. After we got changed we got in the lake right away. As soon I got in the water I got splashed. "WHAT THE FUCK STEVEN" they all started to laugh so when I got in I started to splash and jump on backs belly helped of course. After we jumped each other we played chicken. Belly went straight over to Jeremiah and u was left with Conrad because Stevan wanted to be the coach I mean I didn't mind going with Conrad but I was scared I would do something and our friendship would be different. Round one belly and I were beating each other's asses  but then belly pushed me out of no where and I fell.

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