Deb day 1

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After that moment at the bonfire my feeling for Conrad came right back. After a few more rounds of spin the bottle people started to leave and so did we. But I went to the little tide pool to enjoy my view. But then someone sat next to me I turned to look and it was Jacob. "What do you want". "Uh I don't know maybe a kiss". He said this with a smile. Before I loved his smile but now I hated it. "Are you actually fucking serious". "Mhm". Then he grabbed my thigh "get your fucking hand off me Jacob". "Why". "Because your fucking disgusting and I don't think your girlfriend Becky would like it if you had a black eye". So I just got up but Jacob grabbed my arm "Sam I said I was sorry" then he kissed me. "I tried my best to get away from him but his grip so to tight then he went from my face to my neck. "HELP SOMEONE HELP ME". He cover my mouth and right here is whereI thought i was gonna get raped. But then he got off but now how I thought someone grabbed him. It was Conrad he started beating the shit out of him. "DIDNT SHE SAY TO GET OFF JACOB". Jacob didn't reply but Conrad took me and walked me home. "Thanks Connie". He looked at me then stopped and I stopped as well he looked at me then grabbed my face and kissed me. But this time it was no spin the bottle and it was not peck I'm talkin full make out. When we stopped we walked back normal. When we got home I went upstairs and took a shower. After I was clean I went to bed because I had a full day ahead of me tomorrow

My mom woke me up at 6 to start to get ready. I put on the silk light purple dress and did my makeup and the only purse that went with this outfit was the back Jacob gave me. When I looked at it all I thought about was Jacob how could he do such a thing to a me knowing how I was. But it was Gucci a lot of money so I kept it and used it. When I opened my door Conrad was there. "Hey can we talk". I nodded and he came in. "So what's the problem". "Nothing it's just that I still really do like you and I needed to tell you". He still likes me after I rejected him. " wait really". "Yeah". I sat next to him on the bed and looked at him. "Well I like you to" he looked at me with a smile then grabbed my hands and said "dear Sam will you be my girlfriend". He said with a smile. "Omg I thought you'd never ask". Then he kissed me and we walked down stairs. I can't believe I was dating Conrad fisher. I mean Susannah said when me and belly were born that the reason she had 2 sons was because my mom had 2 daughters and both of us were meant for each of her sons. We got in the car and headed to the country club. When we got out of the car lol told us if we didn't want to be there to text her our secret code phrase "lemon jelly belly". Then we saw Jeremiah and Conrad  and they walked us to the room. I guess we were late because everyone was there and the one person I noticed was Jacob kissing his new girlfriend. I asked Conrad to bring me to my seat and he did. Then he kissed me goodbye and he left. "So are you and Conrad a thing". This girl wearing a punch dress asked. "Yeah?" "I wanted to let you know he's mine I've probably known him longer then you". I looked at belly and we started laughing "so you have known him for 17 years to". "W-wait no". She said "so you haven't known him longer then me because I've known since I came out of my mothers Vagina. I later found out her name was Nicole and she really was a good person but we didn't have a great start at first. When we all laughed it off together and she apologized Jacob came over with his new girlfriend Becky and turns out Becky sits at our table.

When he saw me I'm not gonna lie I saw a little bit of drool. "Uh b-Becky I'll see you later". She nodded and gave him a kiss on the check. Then I'm guessing the leader of the cult started talking about how things worked. "Debs at each of your tables there is a big sister she will guide you through this experience so go ahead introduce yourself". "Hey little sis" Nicole said that meant Nicole was my big sister. I laughed and we started chatting and drinking tea and eating little cakes. "So Sam I heard you dated Jacob". Becky said. "Yeah we dated but then I found out he cheated on me with you so you know I ended things". She looked surprise "omg I'm so sorry". She really did look sorry and maybe she's not a bitch after all. "It's Fine i mean who really wants to date me anyways". Becky took my hand and once more said sorry. An hour later i excused myself to use the bathroom. As soon as I got out of the room I felt someone following me. I walked into the bathroom and the thing didn't follow me in there. When I was finished with my business I walked and and on the wall was the one and only Jacob. I tried to move away from him but he didn't budge. "Move out of the way" "no" then he tried to grab my face to kiss me. I slapped him "stop fucking touching me and stop fucking trying to get back with me it's not going to work you had your shot and you blew it" then I just walked right back in the dinning hall it whatever you call that. Then we arranged a meet up with the girls at our table and that was the end of day 1 as a deb.

Authors notes
I hope y'all like this one I'll try my best to write another one but I can't guarantee it let me know some ideas you might want to see and I'll think about adding them into the story other than that I hope you enjoy this one and I'll see you in the next one❤️

That same old summer (the summer I turned pretty)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora