Oh Jacob

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When I left the house it was 4:15 so I headed to the beach. While I was waiting someone picked me up from behind. Of corse it was Jacob "STOP PUT ME DOWN" I said while laughing he was as well. When he put me down I turned around and kissed him when I pulled away he said something "wanna race" then he painted to the water "shit I forgot a bathing suit". "Here I'll take you to my summer house and you come with me to my room and then when I get changed we can go to the beach near the summer house". I said he agreed and we were off. "Holy shit this is your house" "not technically but I come every summer so I guess you could say that". We went inside and I saw mom "who is that" she point to Jacob "that my boyfriend". She looked shocked and then we went upstairs and I changed. When I came out I was wearing a lavender bikini and shorts. "Fuck you look hot". Jacob obviously said this then he pulled me closer and gave me a kiss. When we walked down stairs I saw Conrad and Conrad's eyes went immediately to Jacob. "Hey Conrad". I said dabbing him up he dabbed me up to and said who was he pointing to Jacob. "Oh that Jacob my boyfriend". "Oh that's Jacob wsg man". "Jacob and him were talking while I was with belly. Finally when they were done talking we left for the beach. We got to the place we wanted it was a cave next to a tide pool. As soon as we were settled in I got in the water. " you know your not like any of the girls I know". "How" he got in the water and got close to me and replied to my question "well first off you don't tan you get right in the water but other girls freak out if they have a splash of water on them. Second all the other girls I meet wanted to have sex right when we met third you don't care what I do your not wanting to know we're I am 24/7 you trust me". "Aww you do love me" I said he smiled "yeah I do" then he kissed me "you know you could tell your sister and that Conrad dude if they wanted to come because it looked like they did and it looked like they are dating". "1 sure and 2 they are not dating". "Still ask them if they want to come" "ok fine I'll ask".

I went over to my phone and texted Conrad if he wanted to come with belly. He texted fast and said they were on there way. I told them where me were and not even 10 minutes later they were here. We started playing games like chicken, mark o polo, put a finger down and some other games. But then people started to come. I guess there was a party going on. Conrad and Jacob got out and started taking with other people at the party. "So are you and Jacob serious". Belly asked  " I mean we made out and he asked me to be his girlfriend so I guess we are". "Sam I'm talking about like have y'all had sex yet". "OMG NO BELLY" she started to laugh and so did I. I mean it's not like I didn't mind having sec it just weird and scary because beings 17 year old virgin in weird it's self and Jacob already knows that. So I guess I wouldn't mind if we did because I feel safe with him. We got out of the tide pool and dried ourselves. I put my shorts on and headed to get a drink. When I went to the cooler this dude came up next to me. "Are you new to cousins" "uh no" "that's weird I thought I knew every pretty girl in cousin". "Oh uh ok". He got closer to me to the point were I didn't like it. "Could you like not". "Oh come on you don't want some of this". "Fuck no I have a boyfriend so leave me the fuck alone". And I walked away. I walked over to Jacob and asked if we could leave. "Why what's the matter". "This old as dude isn't leaving me alone and he's trying to hook up with me". "Are you fucking serious" "yes now can we go". Yeah let's go". Jacob looked pissed off to the fact that it looked like he wanted to punch someone more specifically the dude who tried to do stuff with me but that person left all the sudden. I mean it was pretty late anyways so it was a good thing we were leaving. When we got to the house he came inside and Andrea still wasn't home so Jacob stayed with me. "Wanna play sticks" "yeah" after a couple rounds of sticks I said i was gonna take a shower to clean up. "Ok can I stay I stay in your room tho" " yeah of course". And I hoped in the shower.

When I got out I noticed something. I forgot to bring in my underwear. I don't wanna go out and get them in a towel because JACOB is there. But then I don't want him getting them for me because that's weird. Shit I had to choose and I chose the most embarrassing one I think. "Jacob" "hey babe" "can you bring me underwear" "sure we're are they". "In the draw where the teddy bear is". Then I opened the door and he handed it to me. "Thanks". "Yeah of course". Then I shut the door. Ok it wasn't that bad. When I came out Jacob was still on the bed and I laid next to him. "What you watchin" "Netflix wanna watch" "sure" so I snuggled up next to him and we watched OBX. We stayed up till 3 am watching shows or at least I stayed up till 3. When I looked up at Jacob he was knocked out. So I gave him a kiss on the check and I feel asleep next to him. The next morning Andrea still wasn't there but when I got up Jacob just got out of the shower. He came out in a towel and all you saw was wet hair and his whole body wet and his amazing abs. "Oh didn't know you were up". "O-oh yeah I just got up". Then he came over to me and gave me a kiss. Omg i was living the life i always wanted. "Do you know what today is" he asked "uh no I don't what is it". "It's the Fourth of July". "Oh shit it is". We have to head down stairs. "Why" because we always have a big breakfast today". He got dressed and walked downstairs with me

Authors notes
ITS FINALLY THE 4th OF JULY what do you think will happen in the next chapter? The next chapter will be out in a couple of hours and like always I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and let me know what y'all think❤️

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