Love triangle mess

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When I was done with the shower I just changed into ripped mom jeans and a zip up hoodie nothing special but just enough to keep me cozy. "Sam you mom called us down to eat but I told her you were in the shower so let's go eat". We headed down stairs and this was the moment I was dreading the most having to sit at a table with people who forgot my birthday but guess what today was. It was belly's birthday and guess what they didn't forget her birthday. Matter of fact the kitchen was all made up and there were cup cakes that mom brought. "Happy birthday belly". And then I sat down. I ate fruit and then we all went to the living room to open presents. Mom was first she got belly a "rare" book. "I got it from a rare book store it's a first addition". Mom said with a smile. I was just on the couch siting on my phone. Then Susannah gave belly a pearl necklace to match the bracelet she gave me. "I gave sam the pearl bracelet and you the necklace since you are a debutante now". Belly thanked her then she looked at me. She didn't get me anything why should I give her something. "Sorry i forgot". She just said oh ok then it was Jeremiah's turn he got her a little "good luck" Charm then lastly it was Conrad "oh sorry belly I also forgot". Damn he forgot too sucks to be belly. When he said that she looked like she was gonna cry not going to lie I felt bad for my sister but I mean karma a bitch.

When everyone got up and left Andrea asked me something. "Did you actually forgot belly's birthday". "No matter of fact her gift is right here". I got her the thing she has been asking and wanting for a long time. A Prada bag I finally saved up enough money from work to buy her this. I didn't want to give it to her but I felt bad. I went up to her room and knocked on the door "can I come in". "Yeah". "Hey belly I know I said I forgot but I really didn't do here's your gift". I handed her the bag and when she saw what was inside she started to cry for some reason. "are you joking". "Yeah belly give it back". She just laughed and hugged me "I'm sorry I didn't get you a gift". "It's fine". Then with that I was out. Andrea and I took our skate boards and skated to the shopping center again. We shopped a little then I got a text from someone. It was from Jacob

Jacob: hey wanna hang out later

Sam: sure where tho?

Jacob: what about the beach again

Sam: ofc what time

Jacob: I can't today but maybe tomorrow and at like 5

Sam: ok cool I'll see you tomorrow at 5 then.

"ANDREA IM SEEING HIM AGAIN TOMORROW AT 5" "OMG GIRL". We started jumping in excitement and then we head back home. By the time we got home it was already 7:34 so dinner was in the fridge and stuff and I didn't eat because I wasn't hungry. "Sam imma eat ok". I said ok and I headed upstairs to change into my swim suit. I always go on a night swim but not in the pool. I always swim in the little calm ride pool. When I was ready I told Andrea that I was going for my swim and asked if she wanted to come. "Nah I'll take a shower you have fun". And with that I was off. When I arrived at the tide pool someone was there. I looked closer and it was Conrad. Great now I have to swim with him Omg. "Hey". I said and he turned around and when he noticed it was me he smiled. "Are you coming in too". I said yeah and I got in "did you actually forget your sister birthday". He asked "no I gave her my gift after".  "What about you did you actually forget". He shook his head no and started talking. "I just didn't want to give it to her then". "I get it" then he came closer to me not going to lie it was a little weird giving the fact that we were both dating someone. "Sam I like a lot but I didn't know how to tell you". Wait so all this time he liked me "uh Conrad aren't you dating someone". He nodded and I said something else "Conrad I like you to but I'm also dating someone, I wished you would have told me earlier because maybe we could have worked something out but I'm dating someone". I felt so bad because his eyes were tearing up a little. "No yeah I get it maybe by the time we're 40 and we aren't married we could get married". He was joking and we laughed at it together. We were still cool with each other so that was good. I got out of the little tide pool and said bye to him and walked home. I can't believe Conrad also likes me if only he told me sooner. But I felt something I should have felt I liked Conrad too. But I was dating someone oh god am I in a love triangle.  When I got back home and got to my room Andrea was still up "hey babe why you look so stressed". "I'll tell you after my shower". While in the shower All I thought about was how I liked 2 different people and I was dating one of them. When I got out Andrea was begging me to tell her what was wrong so I did. When I told her everything her jaw was on the floor "girl you are in deep shit". "Omg I know and I love them both so I'm in a love triangle". She hugged me then told me that the right one will come in my dream tonight.

My dream was really weird that night. I dreamt that Jacob and Conrad and me were in the beach house and they hated each other so when I let them be in a room all by themselves they fought saying that I loved Jacob and then Conrad saying I loved him it was a big mess. I woke up shocked about the dream I had last night. When I woke up it was 1:37 so I got ready. I wore jeans with this strapless tup top and my zip up hoodie to finish things off. I did my make up and I was ready. But by the time I was ready and cleaned up my room it was now 3:12. Andrea left me a note saying she was going to meet up with someone. Ooo I think she found a date. I headed down stairs where I found my mom waiting for me in the kitchen. "Why are you up so late". "Because I am?" "Absolutely acceptable that you forgot to get your sister a gift I mean really How clueless could you have been to forget your sister birthday". "Are you fucking kidding me mom you get pissed at me for "forgetting" belly's birthday but when my own blood forgets my birthday it's ok right STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING HYPOCRITE AND LOOK IN THE FUCKIN MIRROR" after that the women was to stunned to speak "OH AND DAD DIDNT EVEN WISH MY A HAPPY BIRTHDAY WHICH I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT BUT STILL". I was leaving when I had forgot to say something "oh and that Prada bag belly has yeah that was my gift to her". And with that I was gone. I mean seriously she bitch's at me for "forgetting" belly's birthday but it's ok when she forgets mine like wow.

Authors notes
Hey guys hope you all liked this chapter I'm so excited for the next one and I hope y'all are too let me know what y'all think about the love triangle mess and I'll see u in the next one❤️

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