Hot make out

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when we got back home i tried my best to avoid everyone in my family so andrea and I ran to my room and started to talk about what i was gonna wear. "well y'all are going to the beach right" i nodded "well under the cloths your going to wear put a swim suit under it". "here let me chose because you cant chose  a cute bikini to save your life". of course she went to her bag and took out this white one it was like one if those triangle tops but the triangles were coving your nips and the bottom's omg it nearly covered anything. "Andrea i might as well wear nothing". we laughed and she some convinced me into wearing it. "ok look at yourself". I was wearing a light purple crop top and black shorts. Then to top it all off she new how much I loved my hoodie she got me a light purple oversized zip up hoodie. "Andrea I actually look good you are really good at styling and makeup". "I know" we both laughed then I looked at the clock. 7:45 "Andrea keep an eye out for your phone ok" she agreed and I was off. "Where are you going" I knew who it was it was Jeremiah "I'm going to met someone". "Why isn't Andrea going or belly and Taylor". "Because they don't want to" "can I come?" "No you can't and I'm gonna be late so bye". I headed to the beach and when I arrived I saw him. He was standing there with a bag I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "You actually came" he said "I mean I had nothing else to do so why no". He laughed and kissed me. When he pulled away he handed me the bag. "Here open it". Wow a person I met just yesterday even remember my birthday but people I have known for 17 didn't. Anyways I opened it and it was a matching set of a purse and wallet from Gucci. "Jacob I literally met you yesterday why did you spend so much money on me". I just looked at him while he replied "well first your really pretty second you have an amazing personality and third I really like you". I just started into his bluey green eyes. Then he broke the silence "wanna go swimming I brought myself a change of cloths idk about you though". "Hell yeah I wanna go swimming". I said and he picked me up and brought me to the beach. When he put my down I took off my hoodie shirt and pants and this woman was looking at me like if I was a fucking goddess. "Well are we gonna go". I guess he snapped out of something because he looked like he had snapped out of something. "Yeah let's go". He took of his shirt and picked me up and brought me to the water.

As soon as we hit the water he threw me in. We began splashing each other and body surfing. After an hour in the ocean we headed for the small tide pool that had nothing but clear water in it. "Where did you get your tattoo's done". J asked because I have been wanting to get tattoo's for a while now. "Oh I got them done at a place in the Shopping-Center called live for tattoos". "Do you think I should get my tattoo on my foot,wrist or shoulder blade first". "Shoulder blade for sure". We smiled and talked for a while but then he came closer to me "I know I might be going a little to fast but I like really like you like a lot". Then he picked me up and I put my legs around his body. "Sam I really like you and I know I just met you like yesterday but I fell like I have known you my entire life and normally I don't move this fast at all but will you be my girlfriend". I blushed so hard and I had a shit load of butterflies in my stomach when he said this because boys never look at me it's Andrea they look at so for Jacob to say this to me made me like I was a goddess. So I just looked at him and said "are you being for real like you wanna date me". "Yes sam I wanna date you". "OMG THEN FUCK YEAH ILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND". We laughed then once's more we made out but this time it was special this wasn't no friend kiss this was a kiss that I was sharing with the person who loved me and I loved them.

We got out of the water and somehow Jacob brought towels so I wrapped it around my body to dry off it was 12:38. When I was dried I put my cloths on and laid in the sand. Jacob came and sat next to me "this reminded me of what we did yesterday". "Yeah star gazing is beautiful". "You know you remind me of a star". He said "how?" I was confused until he said this "because your beautiful" then he gave me a kiss and then he grabbed me and I grabbed him and we cuddled. I guess I lost track of time because when I woke up it was 9:53 "SHIT" I said Jacob was still there he stayed with me the whole night. But I'm guessing when I screamed shit he woke up "what's the matter babe". "We slept on the beach and my mom and Andrea are probably wondering where I am. "It's Fine i do it all the time" I guess he was right I mean they are all probably still sleeping. I just laid back down and cuddled with him again. After 30 more minutes I decided that it was time for me to leave. "Hey Jacob imma leave". He sat up "oh ok I'll see you later" he pulled me into a kiss and I got up and left. I guess I was dating someone now wait but what about Conrad I mean I guess u didn't have a chance after all because he has a girlfriend anyways. I reached home and just as I thought all of them were still sleeping. When I went to head to my room as usually I have to pass Conrad's room and I heard moans and some dirty ass shit that I would have liked not to hear. So as a joke I knocked on the door 3 times and I'm the moaning and grunting stopped and I ran to my room. The only person up was miss Andrea. "WHERE THE YELL WERE YOU". "Ok Andrea I know it's bad but I have good news and a lot went down. "Ooo let me everything sam". "Ok so when I got there he was already there looking fine af and then I saw him holding a bag. So I walk up to him and he hugged me then gave me the bag and I'm like damn he even remembered my birthday and I met him yesterday. So then I open it and it's a matching set of a wallet and purse FROM GUCCI. Then we go to the beach and we have fun in the water then we go to the tide pool and gurl there he tells me that he loves me and then he asked me to be his girlfriend ofc I said yes and then we made out and we were star gazing then we cuddled and then I woke up next to him on the beach".

Her mouth was on the floor when I told her everything. "GURL YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW YOU GO GURL". She hugged me and then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in". It was Conrad "did you knock on my door like 10 minutes ago". I wanted to die of laughter but I knew I had to keep it in "no why" "nothing" and then he left. "You knocked on his door DIDNT you" mhm yes I did I said and then I hoped in the shower.

Another's notes
Hey y'all I do not know if Conrad should be end game or Jacob this is hard to choose so if y'all can help me that would be great and I hope y'all are doing good and see you in the next one

That same old summer (the summer I turned pretty)Where stories live. Discover now