Andreas here!

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I was crying while I was skating I mean how could my own blood forget my birthday. I was getting text from mom and belly. Forget Steven he didn't care that it was my birthday all he cared about was him watching my every little move. On the hood side ANDREA didn't forget she texted me a photo of her on the bus saying "be there in a few". Oh shit I'm not going to ask mom to pick her up so I had to skate back home grab another skate bored and hood that one whole riding mine. I arrived at the bus station just to find my mom a belly there. Belly's birthday was tomorrow so her friend Taylor came to town. I didn't really like Taylor because she always seemed like a bad friend trying to push Belly into stuff she didn't want to to and pushing herself in-front of belly that way she could get every guy and have sec with them. All I know is that I saw Andrea and she ran to me. I have her a huge hug and when she saw my mom she waved and my mom got out of the car and headed towards me. "What's going on with you and your mom" I couldn't answer because my mom already had reached us. "Listen Sam I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday a lot has been on my mind an-". "Cut it mom you wouldn't have forgot belly's birthday or Stevens I'm always the one left out and I'm the one who always feels unloved, I mean even Susannah remember she's not even my blood and you expect me to forgive and forget in a second no. All of them got me gifts and what do I get from you I get a "what's today" of course I'm upset because I never ask for anything the only day I want to be heard and seen is my birthday and you can't even do that". I said this with anger but not yelling. "I'm sorry sam bu-"  "it's always an excuse I have to go see you when I get home" I gave Andrea her bored and we skated off.

We had to stop at the house to drop off Andreas stuff. "Is your room the same room as last year" "yeah upstairs around the corner". She headed upstairs and I waited for her. "I'm sorry your mom forgot your birthday". It was Conrad "oh yeah you know I'm always the one left out so I'm used to it by now". "It's ok Sam oh by the way my girlfriend coming over so is it ok if she used your shower because the main one is kinda really dirty". Wait girlfriend I only said i think he had a girl friend as a joke but i was right. "Yeah that's fine" "thanks". Then he left Andrea came back down and we headed out. When we started ti head out mom was pulling in but I didn't care so we just left. We stopped at a little place to eat called panda it was a Chinese restaurant. We sat down and ordered Andrea went first "can I have Orange chicken and broccoli with an eggroll and pork fried rice". Then it was my turn "can I have pan friend dumplings crab rangoon's and shrimp lo mein". He took our orders and left. "So what happened with your mom even though I think I know everything already". "She forgot my birthday and the fishers fishers didn't". "Wow so your family forgot but people who aren't your blood remember and got you gifts". "Pretty much" "wow I'm so sorry Sam but I have something for you". It was a medium size box "what did you get me". "Look inside". She got me a whole buch of crystal Im talking like 10 pound pieces and then obviously some smaller ones. "OMG ANDREA THANK YOU SO MUCH". I get up and give her the biggest hug ever. By the time I sat back down out food was out and we ate.

"Andrea I need to tell you something" she looked at me and I started talking "so like last night or really earlier in the day I was in my comfort spot and as soon as I got off the phone with you I left and I noticed someone walking behind me to I pretended like I was going to the water but then I sat down then this boy came and tapped my shoulder so I turn around and he's like "can I get your snap because you look really pretty" and I'm Like omg so ofc I say yes and I give it to him. Then I see him in post near a party so I'm like is there a party going on and he's like I was abt to text you to come so I get ready and I walk to the beach fast forward a little we sat down then he ask me if I had my first kiss yet and I'm like no so he said can I change that and I said yes then we made our like 3 times then I'm meeting him again tonight at 8". Her mouth dropped when I told her this. "WAIT YOU HAD YOUR FIRST KISS AND DIDNT TELL ME!". I started to laugh and so did she. We finished and we headed for the little shopping center. We went to this thrifty store and omg we saw him. I whispered to Andrea "Andrea that's how don't look at him and let him see you ok". What does this bitch do she looks at Him and he noticed. I hit her in the stomach "I told you to not make it noticeable". She laughed quietly and I was looking in the Jean section when he came up next to me. "Hi sam" "oh hey Jacob" "are we still on for tonight" "yeah at 8 on the beach right" "mhm" ok I'll see you then I said and then he left the store. "Omg your going on a date with a hot guy I'm so proud of you". She said out loud "omg keep it down". I bought some shirts and jeans and left.

Authors notes
Hey guys I hope y'all are liking it so far! I wonder what they will do tonight? Btw I'm still working on that insta page but for right now it's still in the works and should be up soon. I'll be working on the next one in a couple of hours so see you soon❤️

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