Fishy - [Percy]

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*Important notice readers! From here on, the chapters are quite long... So sit back and enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions I have planned for you because I love a good cliffhanger every once in a while. :)

- LoL, music.*

Most people would immediately panic the moment they saw their eyesight grow darker. Percy would too if it weren't given to the deepness of the ocean he was slowly sinking in.

The ride down the sandy flooring wasn't fun. His chain lock hurt a lot whenever he gained speed, budging at his neck and damaging it. The chains were beginning to let loose, but even then his legs felt like lead.

Overall, Percy felt like a reptile with no neck or supports, growing fins at his sides while weighing the same as when Frank transforms into an elephant.

'At least let me wiggle around or something...'

But throughout his constant complaining, the raven-colored teenager was more than grateful to realize that he could still breathe underwater. The cool liquid barely affected him, and he actually enjoyed seeing familiar marine life swimming around his tail fins.

He let out a slight grunt when he finally landed on the sand, making it scatter everywhere.

"Now what?" he spoke out loud, his voice perfectly carrying out across the ocean without the normal sound change. It was one of the perks of being a son of Poseidon.

Or at least, he thought he still was one.


Percy felt his heart stop. It seemed like quite a long time ago since he heard the voice, only if it has been a few days time (he figured. He still didn't know if he was knocked for a few days or a month).

His sea-green eyes turned towards the feminine voice, searching when he didn't see any particular person visible.

Then, a blurry white figure started to ripple and grow closer to him. The raven dragon panicked, not knowing what he could do. What if this was someone he didn't know had evil intentions? It wasn't normal for anyone to appear in front of a demigod out of nowhere. Usually, it meant very bad luck.

And Percy didn't need that kind of luck.

Finally, a woman's shape formed completely, her skin as white as snow and wavy iridescent curls flowing behind her. The moment she opened up her eyes, Percy could see every color of the rainbow shine in them, a feeling of happiness and joy instantly calming him.

He blinked. The teenager recognized the goddess, even though it's been a while since he encountered her.


The goddess smiled, pearly white teeth almost blinding him. "It is more than pleasant to see you again, hero."

Percy was shocked. How could the goddess understand him while being a dragon?

"How'd you-?"

She raised her hands in order to take the conversation. "There's no time, hero. You must return to the surface."

"Return to the surface? Why?"

Percy almost groaned after he said both things. He knew than to contradict a goddess; believe him, he's been there countless times. But even he had forgotten just how naïve he could sometimes be.

Iris stared at him and her happy expression shifted into a much more serious one. "The people in this world need of you, Perseus Jackson", she explained. "They are going through tough times that won't end unless a young man like yourself amends it together."

How To Be a Dragon (Mythological Dragons Crossover Part #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें