Rescue - [Hiccup]

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After the future Chief in line discovered he had a mother, he knew nothing could top off that.

He was so wrong.

The brown-haired Viking mounted on Toothless the moment he had felt something was wrong with his friends. He knew better than to follow his curiosity, but he wasn't. Call it intuition, an instinct.

His worries were confirmed as soon as he saw two huge boats and thousands of warriors on it. Toothless had growled silently, and Hiccup had calmed him down.

To be completely honest, his dragon pal wasn't the only one feeling weird about this whole situation. Hiccup knew that whatever was going on in the ship, was something he wasn't going to like.

They flew closer, and the Chief's son's blood pressure plummeted. He could see the outline of his girlfriend, tied up by her wrists, and walking across a plank of wood.

He beckoned Toothless to go faster. They reached the boat in record time, and slowly saw as Astrid's blunt expression turned into a grinning one, and attacked the first row of warriors behind her.

'I love my girlfriend', Hiccup thought to himself.

He landed on board, Toothless instantly bearing his fangs out and taking a defensive position. Hiccup ran to Astrid, who looked relieved and glad to see him.

She wasn't the only one. He had been thinking about her too, and the moment when he had been 'kidnapped' by his mother, he worried when he would go to meet his gang. Especially her.

He took out Inferno, his flaming sword, and sliced through the ropes easily.

Astrid turned to him. "Took you long enough" she smiled.

"Was I late?" Hiccup grinned.

She only replied by smiling even bigger and spun around to help out the rest, yelling out battle cries and swinging her ax around.

Hiccup stared around, looking if the rest of the Dragon Riders needed his help. Apparently not, since all of them were doing fine. Their dragons had been released from their traps, burning down the ship as much as they could.

The forest eyed man saw that to his far right, there was a corner to the ship which had at least eight warriors surrounding a metal door, probably leading downwards.

He turned to his pal, which had a look as if he knew what his dragon owner was thinking. Pointing a finger towards the door and the guards, he shouted, "Toothless! Let's go!"

Both ran towards the area pinpointed by Hiccup, in which the guards immediately took notice. They raised their spears and axes and faced them towards Hiccup, a look of anger evident on their faces.

'We are not going down', Hiccup thought confidently.

He glanced at his best friend and nodded. The dragon immediately understood what he had meant, and began to expose smokey grey fumes out of his mouth. The guards knew what was going to happen next, and scrambled out of the way before Toothless' powerful gamma blast tore open the door like it was cloth. A set of eerie stairs led way to a lower part of the ship, only a few torches lighting up the large space.

Hiccup grinned and pet Toothless' head. "Nice work bud!"

He went under, metal peg clicking against the wooden stairs, his large scaly friend following behind. From the Dragon Rider's line of sight, he saw various passageways, leading to other paths across the ship's underway. Patches of hay and other animal food were littered across the are Hiccup and Toothless were currently standing on. To their right, a deep dent had been made thanks to the Dragon Riders' dragons fire. In the left side, cages and other jails lined up the little space until it ended next to a wall of doors.

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