"Here you go." Trinity rolled her eyes. Hoseok smirked and licked over his lips.

"What?" He feened ignorance.

"Their birthday is on the 29th. You have a full 23 days to wait until you get them jewelry. Why spend money on their first recital on something so expensive when you can just get it for their birthday?" Trinity rationalized.

"Don't act like you weren't planning to get them something too." Hoseok made the point.

Trinity looked away with a telling expression which let hoseok know everything.

"Exactly." He chuckled, picking up his fork.

Trinity had made chicken pasta for dinner. They engaged in some typical parent/couples conversation as they ate. Once they were done they cleaned the kitchen before going upstairs for the night.

As trinity pulled ava from the bathtub and dried her off after their baths, hoseok slid on his tennis shoes.

"This, mommy." Ava pointed to her princess and the frog themed pajama set.

"I know Ava bug. You're going to wear that one just be patient." Trinity sighed.

Hoseok kissed his teeth and grabbed his gun from the drawer. Making sure it was loaded before tucking it into his waistband, he made his way to the hall and stopped outside of the bathroom.

"Trin." He knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" Trinity shouted from the other side.

"I'm about to leave out for a second. I'll be right back."

A few seconds pass without him getting a response. Hoseok started to frown until he seen the door swing open. Trinity poked her head out with a curious look on her face.

"Where you going? I thought we were going to watch some Netflix tonight?" She asked.

"I'm just going to get some cigars." Hoseok lied. Trinity raised a brow. He kissed his teeth.

"And pick up a package." He added. Trinity pouted.

"Oh...okay then. See you when you get back." She smiled sadly. Hoseok leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"We can still watch our Netflix-"

"I think I'm just gonna go to bed. I forgot I had an early day at the studio tomorrow." Trinity said.

Hoseok gently gripped her chin before tilting her head upwards. They made eye contact. Her brown eyes were glossed over by an emotion he couldn't quite read. But he didn't like it.

"I'll be back soon." He whispered, stroking the skin of her cheek with his thumb. Trinity nodded.

They shared a kiss on the lips before he pulled back. He peeped into the bathroom to see Ava and cleo sitting on the sink holding their toothbrushes. He smiled.

"I love you." He said to all three at once. Trinity gave a tight lipped smile before stepping back in.

"We love you too." She said softly, pushing on the door to close him out.

His Forever | J.hs (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now