1. Not Her Type

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Karma, You're the kind of woman that should come with a warning label


'I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend."

"You're my mission. You're... my... mission!"

"Then finish it. 'Cause I'm with you to the end of the line.' Steve told bucky


Karma was dancing around the kitchen singing softly as she made herself a cup of tea when she saw a man sitting at the table she jump nearly dropping her mug, quickly she clutched it to her chest.

'Hi.' He smiled awkwardly over at her.

'Hi sorry. You gave me a heart attack.' Karma said putting her mug down. 'You must be last nights guy.' karma noted

'Bucky.' he told her softly.

'Karma,' she shook his hand

'Karma?' He questioned

'Nickname. It stuck.'

'Bucky's a nickname too,' he told her as she looked him over. 'Something wrong?'

'No, no,' she told him looking away 'you're just not... her usual type,' she admitted 'she usually goes for blondes.' He was more karmas type. Tall dark handsome and a mystery that screamed bad boy.

She snorted out a laugh immediately embarrassed she covered her face with her hands still laughing. Bucky smiled over at her a chuckle on his own lips.

"Sorry, I'm blunt.'

"I thought you were Karma?' He teased and Karma couldn't stop giggling, certainly not Sharon's type he had a personality.

'Coffee? Tea?' Karma questioned.

'Coffee would be great.' Bucky admitted and she poured him a cup. She was more a tea drinker but Sharon drank coffee like she needed it to breathe. 'Thanks.' Bucky told her. 'What song were you singing?" Bucky questioned.

'Oh, its called If you loved me right, by Beth McCarthy.' Karma told him. 'If you didn't lie for me, tell me you die for me,' she started singing a blush crept up on her cheeks. 'I'm a dance teacher, I listen to music constantly. We have a competition here actually.' Karma admitted. 'we are in the finals. Here for a month!' she told him sitting down across from him. 'Well that is if we win, if we don't we go home.' She added. 'but my girls are great! We travel the world!'

'Like a dance company?' Bucky questioned.

"Yes, we have a low acceptance rate because we need to make sure the dancers are serious about dance and want it for life. They get scholarships through us, endorsements sometimes. We even had a reality show following your studio for a three years.' Karma told him. 'I didn't like that though, I thought they needed to focus on the dancing and not trying to get famous.' Karma told him realizing she hadn't taken a breath she leaned back in her chair.

'Bucharest, I didn't realize they were so dance competitive.' Bucky remarked.

'Neither did I, actually.' Karma told him. 'But people liked the exotic locations apparently.'

'Where is home for you Karma?'

'New York.' Karma told him.

'Me too.' Bucky admitted.

'Yeah? Where abouts?'


'Queens.' Karma said happily. 'we were neighbors.' Bucky shook his head laughing, Karma most certainly wasn't born in 1917. 'Why are you in Bucharest?' karma questioned sipping her tea she added so much milk and sugar it looked like coffee.

'I'm...' hiding from everyone and everything that I did previously as the winter soldier and should not be talking to a beautiful woman such as yourself because I will get attached and you will leave because I am a bad person, Bucky forced a smile.

'Okay, be secretive.' Karma said with a smile. 'I'm a stranger, I get it. Sorry for prying.' Karma looked down into her cup. Usually the men Sharon brought home ignored Karma completely, they liked that Sharon was the silent mystery and Karma was an open book. She was loud and bubbly and constantly moving. Men didn't like that, especially not first thing in the morning after a probable handover.

'No, its just I was in the war.' Bucky told her. 'I did some bad stuff and I needed an escape.'

'You did what you did for your country... so you move to a new country to vacation... makes sense.' She said sweetly.

'I just, I feel like I messed up back home and disappointed a lot of people.' Bucky didn't know why he was opening up to her but he felt so safe with her staring over at him like he was the best thing in the world. 'I think they had this idea of who I was before I left and when I came back a different person, they saw my flaws and... well now I'm here.' He said softly and Karma stared at him a moment before reaching a hand across the table to his.

'People loving you for your best qualities is not the same as people loving you despite your worst.' Karma told him and he felt seen. But there moment was quickly interrupted when Sharon came walking into the kitchen.

'Oh good you met...' Sharon snapped her fingers pretending to forget his name.

'Bucky,' Karma told her pulling her hand back to her lap. 'yes he is lovely.' Sharon knew who bucky was, she knew and she was keeping taps on him. Karma didn't questioned why she was able to take a month off of work from her private security job because Karma was trusting and after last night Sharon knew that the part of James Buchanan Barnes that was the winter soldier was no longer their or at least it was under control. Sharon also noticed how Bucky stared at her sister.

'Are you cold?" Karma questioned looking at the gloves on buckys hands.

'Oh... poor circulation.' He told her and Karma nodded.

'I have cold hands too,' she reached across the table and pressed a freezing cold hand to his neck she shivered at her touch.

'I should go.' Bucky said getting up quickly.

'Nice to meet you Bucky.' Karma said following him out Sharon watched them with a grin over her cup.

"Good luck at your competition.' Bucky told her.

'Thank you.' Karma said softly she watched him go before closing the door. 'why do you find all the cute ones.' Karma remarked.

'get your head out of the music and into the real world and you might find a real man and not a fictional man!" Sharon countered.

'Fictional men don't leave you.' Karma reminded her.

'They usually die in very brutal ways, especially in your books.' Sharon remarked. 

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now