"We just wanna be left alone," Natania told Rick fiercely. 

"Yeah, we'll leave you alone. Just let go of her. Now," Rick ordered firmly. "Or we'll kill you. None of us want that."

"They want us to fight the Saviors," the younger lady beside Natania told her group. Her friends, more than likely. The people on their knees glanced around, shocked.

"We tried that. We lost. Too much. We're not going to lose anymore. Not our guns, not our safety, not after everything we've done to get here," Natania spat out

"We're gonna win with your guns, with or without your help," Tara said, shifting her feet. It was quiet for a moment as nobody spoke. 

Finally, Rick broke the silence. "Natania, put the gun down."

"Trust me, the better option is to put the gun down," I said to her.

"You kill me, and you die and my people take the guns and nothing changes," Tara told her.

"Maybe we should try," One of the two girls tied up said. She had a short haircut, which had soft waves in it. Hushed talk began to spread around the group.

"Grandma, stop. it's over. Just talk to them, okay?" The girl beside Natania spoke soft and quiet. 

"It's not over!" Natania snapped. "They've forgotten. You've all forgotten. Some of you actually want to fight them? After everything? We can lose our guns, but us leaving this place to fight? After everything, I have to remind you! Yes. I am gonna do this, and then I'm gonna die. But it's that important. This is your life, all of you. Remember what it looks like. Remember what they did to us! You need to see this. Open your eyes."

"Rick! Walkers!" Michonne's loud voice cut in from above. Rick instantly looked up at the tree she was in before he jumped into action. The younger lady whacked her grandma over the head. 

"Everybody up! Get the children behind us!" Rick ordered, causing everyone to rush to their feet. We all turned to face the other direction, gun raised and aimed. Orders were being thrown around behind us, but I paid no mind to them. "Everyone, shots within 10 feet of the line. That's it."

"You okay?" I asked Enid quietly as she stood beside me. 

"Yeah," she replied. I didn't pry much, more worried about the danger ahead of us. 

"Now!" Rick yelled, and gunshots immediately fired all over. I shot a walker as it got close enough, feeling the kickback throw my shoulder back. It was a smaller herd, maybe thirty or so. I shot a few more, and then it was over. As fast as a snap of your fingers. Rick walked over to the short-haired girl, taking the knife from her. He held a hand out to her, in which she shook it with little hesitation.

"No. We're not fighting them with you," Natania said as she slowly limped away. "So take your damn guns and go."


And that's exactly what we did. We worked quickly, loading guns into baskets and taking and taking the ammo we needed. It took no more than half an hour before we were leaving with trucks full of guns. the girls stood with their arms crossed, watching as we took their weapons. I felt bad, really I did, but we needed these.

"'Ya okay?" Daryl asked as we began the walk back to the vehicles. 

"Yeah, why?" I shot him a confused look.

"I can tell 'ya are having nightmares. Your reflexes are slow and there's bags under 'ya eyes. Dark than normal," Daryl told me, causing a light chuckle to fall out of my mouth. He wasn't wrong. Everytime I closed my eyes I saw it happening. Dad and Will's death constantly replayed when I closed my eyes. 

"Don't worry about me, Daryl. I'm alright," I said, giving him a small smile. Oh, how I wish I could tell him the truth. Scream and cry and tell him I wasn't okay. That I was far from it. But I knew he was grieving too. 

"'Ya coming back to Alexandria or Hilltop?" Daryl asked me.

"Alexandria. I want to see Will and Matt," I explained. 

"Why don't cha ride on my motorcycle," Daryl suggested.

"You're kidding," I smiled up at him. A bright, toothy grin. I had been begging him since the prison for him to let me ride on it.

"'Bout time. Just don't tell your mom," Daryl said.

"Okay," I smiled, and he brought me into a side hug. It was quick, but it made me happy. Daryl wasn't one for affection. 


After the very enjoyable ride back home, I was nervous. My palms were sweaty as we pulled up to the community. The guys on duty pulled the doors open for us. Daryl pulled into the gates, revving his engine slightly as he leaned to the side, one leg falling onto the ground. He shut the motorcycle off and waited for me to climb off. I did so quickly.

"Thanks again for letting me ride on it with you. It was really fun," I said happily.

"Don't worry 'bout it," Daryl replied, swinging his leg to the other side and getting off. 

"Rori, Rori!" A little voice broke me out of my happy daze, and I swung around to greet the little person. 

"Theo!" I fell to my knees as he crashed into me, his legs wrapping around my waist. I hugged him tightly. I pulled away from him for a moment, my hands resting on his cheek as I kissed a gentle kiss on the crown of his head. I looked behind him to see Matt rushing toward us. I wrapped my arms back around Theo and stood with him in my arms. I looked at Matt with a sad smile, tears brimming my eyes. He walked up to us, kissing my forehead gently before bringing Theo and I to his chest.

"It's good to have you back, Rori," Matt whispered in my ear.

"It's good to be back," I replied quietly. 


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