Chapter 10: red and black

Start from the beginning


Today in conjunction with my sense of touch making everything feel weird and intense, I woke up to the unpleasant feeling of intense pressure in my gums.

I walk into the kitchen, greeted by the scent of blood and Chloe cooking an omelette, the aromas of the eggs, peppers, onions, and feta cheese fills the air. "Hey." I say, hearing my hoarse voice.

"Ooh, you okay?" She asks sliding her omelette into her plate from the pan. The omelette looks practically perfect, like it was made professionally. I wish I could say I wanted it, that my mouth was watering due to the smell and presentation of this omelette, but instead it was because of the cup of blood she had sitting next to her plate.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say still staring at the crimson substance in her cup.

"Hold on, I got you." She says, I hear the fridge open and moments later a cup filled with half a blood bag is in front of me.

That's been my diet recently, half a blood bag twice a day since I'm not completely transitioned yet. Then it will up to three times a day.

I grab onto the cup staring at it, still not believing that this is my reality now. I look back over at the omelette that in theory looks appetizing but I feel slightly repulsed by it. "Do you want a piece?" Chloe asks already grabbing a fork for me from the drawer under the kitchen island.

I do. Only because it feels normal to but at the same time it doesn't. The last time I ate real food was that day in my room. Chloe was bringing me the food she cooked and I felt nauseous the whole day. Maybe I was just having a day. Everyone in this house loves her cooking so it can't be that she's a bad cook. It was me having a day. Fuck it let me try. I miss solid, real food.

"Kind of. If you don't mind."

"Not at all." She uses the fork to cut off a small piece of her omelette and hands me the fork with the piece stuck on it. "I'm kinda surprised you can still eat actual food... and still want to."

I take a bite of it before I register her sentence. Right away it tastes like I'm chewing on sour yet bitter cardboard. I swallow harshly only because I thought it'd be rude to spit it out. I feel the nausea come on fast as my mouth starts to water uncomfortably.

Oh shit.

I sprint to the powder room thats near the front door. Flipping up the toilet seat I throw up into the bowl. "Okay, yeah that makes more sense." I hear Chloe say. I look up at her leaning on the door frame, scrunching her nose.

"What?" I stand up grabbing onto the sink. I turn on the faucet, throwing water in my face and swishing some around in my mouth, spitting it back out.

"I don't know the full blood twins that well but I've heard them mention how they can't really have anything other than blood and like... water or alcohol. Juice maybe too? I think it's only liquids? I'm not entirely sure but I've only ever seen them consume blood, water, and alcohol."

I flush the toilet. Disappointment laces my tone as I ask, "They can't have food?"

Chloe follows as I head out of the bathroom. "Well blood is their food. Reid, one of the twins had said during that their transition they couldn't stomach it at all." I frown at the statement but she adds on. "But afterwards, they have the ability to have it except it tastes horrendous. I guess because you're still transitioning, it's not gonna agree with you." She says as we walk back to the kitchen.

"Okay so it is me, because I thought you were just a terrible cook for a bit." I chuckle sitting down at the counter. She looks at me absolutely dumbfounded with wide eyes and her jaw dropped. "Not right now." I clarify, assuaging her offense. "Like two weeks ago when I was in my room all day, I was nauseous that entire day."

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