Fried rice

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Arm isn't one for complicated things. He likes things simple, quick, and easy, that includes cooking. That's why you won't find cooking ingredients such as vegetables in their fridges, and moreover, spices.

So, Pol couldn't hide his surprised face when Arm served him a plate of home-cooked meal.

It's just fried rice, but it's far too unusual for Arm who usually settled for instant noodles for dinner.

"What is this?" Pol suspiciously eyed the fried rice on the table.

"It's fried rice."

"Even my grandmother knows that it's fried rice."

"Why did you even ask." Arm muttered, pulling a chair backwards for himself to sit, "You want to eat it or not? I will give it to the guards on duty, if you don't want it."

"Hey, who said I didn't want it?" Pol said before leaning down to kiss his lover's cheek, and pulled a chair opposite of Arm.

"But, seriously, Arm. What is it all about? It's not my birthday, neither is yours. And... It's not our anniversary, yet. So, what is it all about?"

Arm chewed a spoon of his cooking before wrinkling his nose, "Too salty."

Pol look at him before pouring a glass of water for him.

"Okay, let's get to the point." Arm cleared his throat, "You do remember that I'm still your boyfriend, right?"

"Of course I did!"

"Okay. So, what's with the boy?"

"Which boy?"

"Your favorite boy, the one following you around when we're not doing the same duty, and the one who gave you a meal yesterday."

"Oh, Bright." Pol nodded in acknowledgment. So that's what this fried rice is for.

"What about him? People are gossiping about him being your boy toy." Arm takes another mouthful of the rice.

"He's not my—You know, I won't ever do that to anyone."

"Do what?"

"Playing around with their feelings."

Arm nodded and let out a breathy laugh, "I believe you, you know that? I will always believe you."

Pol sighs, "He's learning how to make fried rice recently, and it's too much for him to eat alone. I don't know if it's true, but he said I'm his favorite senior, that's why he gave me some."

No, he won't do that. He would never do that, especially not to Arm. After all, they make it clear since the beginning that they would trust each other, and if there's any suspicion between them, they would talk about it right away.

And they're past the unreasonable jealousy phase, on top of that. There's always a valid reason behind their suspicion.

"What about you?" Pol asked, finally tasting the rice. Arm was right, it's a little bit too salty.

Not that he would say that aloud, though.

"Me? What about me?"

"The new guy, the one who brought and opened a bottle of mineral water for you."

"What's with him?"

"I know that look in his eyes," Pol laugh mockingly, "he's definitely head over heels for you."

"Ah," Arm closed his eyes for a moment and paused, "Yeah, you're right. He's into me."

Pol's smile faltered a bit.

"You know very well that I won't let him get past that." Arm glared.

"I confront him first. I'm not stupid, I've seen that look in your eyes so many times."

"Are you saying that he's similar to me?"

"I'm not!" Arm countered, "Even if he is, he's not the one making sure that I feel alright after every sparring time. A bottle of water is nothing."

"Well, okay." Pol take a sip of water after some mouthful of the rice.

His tongue started to get numb.

"And, what happened? After you confront him."

"I asked him what was his intentions, he didn't answer right away, of course. He tried to dodged the question, but he admitted it anyway, that he's into me."

"And your answer is...?"

"What else? I said I'm taken, of course."

"You didn't say sorry?"

"Why should I say sorry for being taken?" Arm furrowed his brows.

"Yeah, you're right." Pol nodded.

"What? Have you ever said sorry for being taken?"

"No!" Pol look up from his plate.

"Okay." Arm takes another mouthful of the rice, "Seriously, Pol."

"What?" Pol, actually, panicked for a moment.

Where did he go wrong again?

"You don't have to eat this."

Pol let out a relief sigh.


"Can't you taste it? It taste like a jar of salt is poured into it!"

"It taste okay to me." Pol continue eating.


"It's okay, Arm." Pol cuts in, smiling, "You made this, right?"

Arm sank back in his seat and huffed, "Bright's must have taste better."

"Hey," Pol put his spoon down on the plate, "Arm, look at me."

When Arm didn't look up from his lap, Pol get up from his seat to crouch down besides the chair where his lover sat.

"Hun, look at me." At the nickname, Arm finally turned his head to Pol.

"Bright's fried rice taste better, I have to admit, but what if your fried rice is the one I like more? He's the one following me around mostly, but what if you're the only one in my mind?" Pol said while looking at Arm straight in his eyes.

Pol take Arm's smaller hand in his grasp, "There's so many perfect people all over the world, but what if you're the one I want to be with?"

Arm laugh half-heartedly, wiping away the tears forming in his eyes. Pol is quick to stand up and kiss his eyes which is wet from the tears.

"How can you always find the right words to say at the right time? Aren't you supposed to be the dumb boyfriend and I'm the smart one?"

Pol chuckled, "No, you have your fair share of showing off your smartness at work. Let me have my share, at least in front of you."

Arm sticks out his tongue mockingly.

"But, seriously, Pol. This is so salty." Arm said once Pol get back to his seat.

"It's still edible." Pol takes another mouthful.

"It's not a human food."

"If you don't want yours, let me eat it."

Arm look at him, "You will have a high blood pressure from eating this."


"It's unhealthy."

"You can nurse me back to health." Pol keep on eating.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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