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Before leaving, Pete once taught them a hidden route that leads outside the compound. They never thought it would be useful until this day come.

"The sky is clear tonight." Pol said.

Beside him Arm nodded and smiles.

"You want to go stargazing?"

"Aren't we doing it right now?'

"Let's go stargazing outside, from Rama Bridge."

Arm stares at him.

"You're joking, right?"

Pol didn't laugh, neither did he slap Arm's hand playfully as he usually did when he's telling a joke and Arm takes him seriously.

"You're not?"

Arm's expression turned to disbelief.

"Did guarding Khun Tankhun finally make you lost your mind?"

In the end, Arm still went along with his plan, though.

So, they walked along the route that Pete told them, avoiding any stationed bodyguards along the way until they got to the garage. Pol dragged his motor out of the compound, or until they're out of earshot before starting it.

They stopped at a minimarket to buy a bottle of green tea for each of them before continuing their night ride.

"Pol, what do you think they do for a living?" Arm asks as they passed across a luxurious apartment.


"What do you think they do for a living?!"

"I can't hear you!"

Arm rolled his eyes.

Pol parked his motor and tilt it sideways so that Arm can get off easier. Arm look around, his eyes lit up and a smile blossomed in his face.

For some people who's watching the star from that spot, the bridge is the centre of tonight's view. But in Pol's eyes, the man smiling beside him is the most beautiful view he has ever seen. No words can ever describe how proud Pol is for he's given the chance to put that smile on Arm's face.

Pol throw a hand over Arm's waist and pull him closer. Arm look up at him before leaning his head on Pol's shoulder.

Green tea long forgotten in the luggage, they just stayed like that for who knows how long until the road becomes quieter as the time goes by. Arm was the one who was reluctant to go, yet he's also the one who needs to be reminded about how they wouldn't get any sleep if they stayed there longer.

Pol help Arm with his helmet before putting on his own and start the motor. Arm put his hands around Pol's waist as they drive along the road. For a moment, Pol take his left hand away from the handlebar to caress his lover's hands, which resulted with Arm swatting his hand away and shouted in panic.

"You want to unalive us? Just drive properly!"

Arm tightened his hug and smiles widely behind his closed helmet. He's not one to break the rules, but he didn't regret breaking one this time.

The bottles of green tea remained forgotten until they opened Pol's motorcycle luggage the next week to put their groceries.

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