For you, I'll do everything (Tribute to Big)

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Big, while pretending to focus on the weapons, could feel Arm's gaze boring a hole into his back. It makes him uncomfortable, truthfully.

"Shit, Arm. Can you stop looking at me like that?" He turned to the man with glasses, finding Arm looking at him.

"Please tell me you're not making me do this out of jealousy." Arm says. In front of him, a laptop is displaying a paused video.

"Watch your mouth, you—!" Big refrained himself from cursing the man in front of him. He needs his help, after all.

"I won't tell anyone."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because you're trusting me with this speculation of yours?"

Big shut his mouth.

"This, if proven wrong, could bring both of us to the death's door. Or worse, the streets. And my theory of you being in love with Khun Kinn, while it may makes everything awkward, is actually harmless. Yet you trust me more with the first one rather than your feelings?"

"It's just your speculation."

"You just admitted to it, though. You asked me why should you trust me not to tell anyone." Arm lean back on his chair, smiling way too genuinely for someone who's just exposing his friend.

Big look away, arms crossed on his chest.

"I really promise I would never tell anyone, though. I don't want to see myself in Khun Kinn's bad side because of my own stupidity."

Big sigh in defeat, "Okay, fine. Yeah, I do like him. But, you listen here, it won't affect my dedication, I swear on my life. About this, I'm sure you'll understand my suspicion once you see the footage."

Arm nodded. Big half-sit on the desk where Arm is working on, head thrown back, his eyes staring at the ceiling.

"Well, I did this partly because of my feelings, actually." He put a hand inside his pocket, "I don't want to see Khun Kinn got hurt."

"If my suspicion is right, that means one day, sooner or later, Khun Kinn would get hurt because of Khun Tawan." He continued.

Arm laugh softly.

"If this teory proven to be true, and they broke up, what would you do with your feelings? Go for it, or get rid of it?"

"I wouldn't go for it, nor get rid of it. I'd just live with it."


"It's inappropriate."

Arm nodded understanding. A bodyguard falling in love with their boss is indeed an inappropriate things.

"I wouldn't do anything about it. If Khun Kinn did find someone new, that's great. If not, then... I would still do nothing. All I can ever did is just to stand behind him, making sure he's safe, protecting his happiness, that's it. After all, that's what I'm supposed to do, right?"

When Big turned to look at Arm, he found Arm's eyes gazing strangely at him.

"What is it now?"

"Who are you? Where are you keeping the foul-mouthed Big?"

Big slaps his arm hard.

"That's better." Arm remarks, earning a second slap on his arm.

They stay silent for a moment. Arm watching the CCTV footage carefully, while Big entertained himself by looking at the weapons. He got bored after awhile, though. He prefers to use them rather than studying them.

"How about you?" Big asks suddenly.

"Me? What about me?"

"You, and Pol."


"Don't tell me there's nothing between you and him. You're not the only one with sharp eyes in here."

"We're just friends." Arm shrugged.

"Yeah, and I'm Rachmaninoff."

"Don't irk me, you still need my help."

"I just need your brain. Should I open your skull and take it out instead?"

Arm scoffs, before both of them burst into laugh.

Think about it again, Big did live up to his promise, Arm thinks to himself as he's flanking Tankhun between him and Pol at Big's funeral ceremony.

He promises to love Kinn in his own way, by keeping him safe, and make sure he's happy, which he did.

He did everything he could for the sake of the ones that he loved.

Even if it's not with him by his side, even if it will hurt him, or giving up his life for someone he considered a rival.

Even if he's not even there to see Kinn anymore.

All he can say is, Big did not die in vain. And Arm will make sure that his sacrifices will never go in vain.

"You did a great job, Ai'Big." Arm whispered to the wind as the last heap of soil covered the grave where a man with the purest love in his heart is laid to rest.

"May you rest in peace."

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