Welcome home

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Today was a long, tiring day.

It's a regular twenty four hours day, but the absence of someone who's used to waking up next to you, who you always have meal with, who annoys you at every single chance, that would make an hour feels like a year.

Pol knows that feeling better than anyone.

Having a savvy tech—and a skilled bodyguard, on top of that—as his boyfriend, who would go on a mission away from home at least once a month, Pol had experience those long days for too many times.

He never get used to it, though. That's why he would still sprint to Arm as soon as he can when those days finally come to an end.

Pol push the door open, smiling when he found the door unlocked.

Arm is already home, then.

He found the said man fast asleep in a sitting position on the sofa. One arm sprawled beside him, while the other is on his lap, holding his suit jacket.

Pol close the door behind him quietly, not wanting to wake his lover up. He considered moving him to bed, or at least a comfortable position, but decided against it.

Arm is light-sleeper, he would wake up if he moves him. Therefore, Pol just sits beside him. His eyes scanning Arm's body for any signs of injury.

He found none of it, fortunately.

But still, looks like this mission costs quite a lot of him. If he remember it right, Arm was assigned to spy over a transaction from a hidden camera.

And, yes, that means days of staying up.

It sounds impossible, but sometimes Pol would imagine if they didn't work in this field. Maybe they wouldn't have to work this hard. But then, they would never met each other, right?

His thoughts were interrupted when Arm's hand landed on his. Perhaps, realizing there's someone beside him, Arm fluttered his eyes open and look at him.

"Hi." Pol greets him, smiling.

"Hi." Arm mumbled in response before closing his eyes once more, leaning his head on Pol's shoulder.

Pol draped his hand over Arm's shoulder, pulling the smaller man closer to him.

"You didn't got any injuries, did you?"

Arm shakes his head, "Nope, I'm okay. Just sleepy."

Pol chuckled, his hand rubbing Arm's upper arm in a comforting motion.

"What did Khun Tankhun made you do while I was gone?" Arm mumbled with his raspy voice.

"Many things. I'm grateful he hadn't ask me to bring home Disneyland for Venice."

"Venice was here?"

Pol hummed in return, "Pete and Khun Vegas needs to go somewhere for business and couldn't bring Venice with them, and Khun Tankhun was more than happy to have a playing buddy for a day."

"Should we just adopt a kid for Khun Tankhun?"

"And have double Khun Tankhun?"

"It's not that bad."

"You can talk to my foot."

Arm laughed, slapping Pol's thigh playfully. His eyes still closed.

"You should move to the bed, your back would protest in the morning if you sleep like that."

"Mine, or yours?"

"I'm not sleeping here?!"

"You don't want to sleep with me? Don't you miss me?"

"Fine, both our backs." Pol rolls his eyes.

He feel a finger poking his cheek repeatedly, sharp nail pricking his skin.

"What is it?" He catch Arm's wrist with his hand, turning his head to his lover. He found Arm looking up at him, his head still leaning on his shoulder.

"I miss you."

A kiss planted to Arm's forehead, one more on his cheek, and one more on the other cheek.

"I miss you too, a lot."

"I miss you more."

"Nah, I miss you more."

"I miss you a lot more!"

Pol pat Arm's head once, enough to make Arm stilled before smiling genuinely. Arm free himself from Pol's hug and get up. He then sit down on Pol's lap, face-to-face, hands slung around his lover's neck.

"Enlighten me, what does this pose mean?" Pol asks, his hand circling Arm's waist.

Arm tap a finger on Pol's lip, asking for permission. Instead of answering, Pol takes the lead to pull Arm closer by his jaw and kiss his thin lips.

Somewhere along the kiss, Pol's hand move back to the back of Arm's head, keeping his head close. His hair matted with sweat, but Pol could care less at this moment.

They pulled away, out of breath and face flushed. Breathy laughs come out of their lips. Pol stares at Arm's eyes for a moment, and found Arm stares back at his.

Pol pull his lover into a tight hug, which Arm returned by circling his arms around Pol's neck, face buried in it. They stay like that wordlessly. For a moment, they got lost in each other's hold, in the solid presence in their arms. Neither Arm or Pol realized how long they have been holding each other until the door burst open revealing Porsche, whose excited face turns to confusion the moment he look at them.


While Pol—taken by surprise—couldn't react, Arm was quick to jump out of his lap to an awkward standing position.

"I knocked, looks like nobody hear that. But, um... Anyway, I'll come back later, I guess?"

Porsche look at both of them in turn, pointing the door with his thumb, before stumbling out of the room.

Arm glance at Pol, and Pol glance back, then both of them burst out laughing.

"Sorry, should've locked the door." Pol get up from the sofa, lock the door, and walk to stand beside Arm. His hands guided Arm's to his neck, and he leans closer.

"Shall we continue?"

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