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Rose Ferrari

*End of January, 4 weeks after Charles and Rose broke up*

-Fuck you,-- I said and sat on the floor in the bathroom of the hotel room crying. For some inexplicable reason, this crying came out of me and I didn't even know what the hell I could do with myself. Who could I turn to on my own and what would be the best idea. Who would be able to trust and support me better than anything else. My mother is dead, my father is a worm who should not be counted as a human, and Charles is also a groper. So that leaves my dear cousin Andrea Ferrari, who works with my child's father, so he won't be good either, Pierre always tells Charles everything. So I prefer to stick with the Mclaren drivers. Now I just have to decide which pilot would be more ideal for me. After a long and nerve-wracking thought, I wiped my eyes and adjusted my makeup. The black mascara ran straight down my face. I also had to adjust my lipstick. I also combed my hair and took out my phone.

My eyes fell on Daniel. - He will be good - I thought. - He will help me, because Danny is the cutest and most humble boy after Charles. But Charles is gone,- I said my thoughts out loud.

-Little girl, it's nice to talk. What happened to you guys?-Danny asked via facetime

-Do not ask. ,-- I said and my tears started flowing again

-Rose, is it that serious?-- asked Danny

-Yes. By the way, I broke up with Charles, there are worse things right now. Danny I...I'm pregnant,-- I said

-What. What, Rose??? What will happen to you now?

-Charles can't find out. I disabled it everywhere. Neither he nor father can find me. I thought I could travel to you. Please, please, --I begged the boy.

-I don't even know, because it's not right.

-Please don't tell me what is right and wrong. I can't stomach living here anymore. So please help!!!!

Daniel finally agreed and I was on the plane in 1 week and was on my way to Melbourne. I've never been here before and now I had the chance to try out what life is like here. It's different because the people here are so different. This place is almost far from the center of the world and everything is just the other way around. The time difference and the seasons are different. It was hot in January and there were kangaroo footprints everywhere. But I easily noticed the boy with slightly brown skin and black hair. As always, he had a huge smile on his face. He waved to me and I ran over with the 2 suitcases in my hands.

-Rose, --Danny said and hugged me. --We are making a big mistake right now,-- he said and grabbed my shoulder

-Please, just let me enjoy these few months until Charles and my dad come looking. Not even the world will. Please

-Of course, as you wish, come and I will introduce you to my mom, --he said and led me to his mother

-Hello, Mrs. Ricciardo,-- I said, extending my hand to the lady

-Hi dear Rose, Daniel told me everything and I promise you will be in good hands here. I will be very happy to help you in everything

-Thank you, --I said, touched. I really was. After all, I never had such a loving family. And they were very, very nice to me and Danny just looked at his mom with pride. They were so wonderful. By the way, I smoothed my stomach with my hand and just thought that maybe I too will experience this moment one day. That my child will grow up and I will just enjoy the beautiful part of life. That my child will be successful and talented in what he wants to do. Not about what will happen to Charles and me.

So that would be it? Would that have been the big upset? Well, to tell you the truth, yes. January somehow passed and then February as well, but of course by the time I was around 12 weeks old, those first malaises, nausea, stomach ache and dizziness, arrived. It was lucky that Danny's mother helped and supported him in everything. Of course, I couldn't get that real support from my love, since I almost didn't have a love anymore. Charles stopped calling and looking for me and resigned himself to the fact that we lost each other. Danny went back to Woking at the end of February as the next F1 season started and so I was alone again. I walked a lot every day, but I missed Charles. I missed Jules and I missed every man who had anything to do with my life. I missed the constant buzz that Formua1 gave me and hearing those certain cars.

And As the months went by, my belly got bigger and bigger and I decided that since my baby will be born around August 20th, it would be better if I traveled back to Europe. That's how I saw it as the best.



-What is it that my apartment in Monaco is not ready for me to move in yet?,-- I said nervously into the phone

-Madam, you must understand that everyone is currently preparing for the competition and this is taking up my time as well,-- said the realtor. Meanwhile, I realized how much I had forgotten the whole F1

-How about we go there baby girl ?, --I caressed my belly. I already knew I was going to have a little girl. I was a little disappointed for a few seconds when it turned out that racing was my life and I also wanted to raise a competitor. But a girl can be a competitor, right?;)



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Monaco, here I come

TikTok: wattpadgirl.4

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