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Charles Leclerc

I felt really stupid. To the biggest bastard I could have been in when I sent the letter to Rose. But now really, we’re seemingly ruining each other’s lives and I’m able to invite them to talk. Maybe another will come and I'll just suck myself, well that's pretty pessimistic.

Arriving at the boat, I caught a glimpse of a red Ferrari car and then my coach and Roset. She got out of the car in a small suit and said goodbye to Andrea out loud. When my coach saw me, he just winked at me and drove on. Rose walked up to the pier in her little shoes and then stepped onto the boat

-You're not late,-- I said calmly

-It's not my habit, --she said, and she smiled. --You know my father had a meeting but I'm here to you make sure I'm telling the truth.

-Rose, I believe you. But since you screwed my life, you're going to have to help me

At that moment, I came up with a very good idea. People watch romantic movies all to believe they are in love. When Giada was my girlfriend I was forced to watch a couple of movies all the way through and now I don’t think it will save my life. Rose looked at me and I looked at her. She waited for my answer and I just looked at her with  mouth open

-What do you want, Charles?--Rose asked mischievously

-I want you to play that you are my girlfriend, --I told her this wonderful idea

-You're not normal,-- she said

-But I am totally that and now seriously. There's a worse guy in the world than me. If you help me with this, I won't make fun of you anymore. And your father forgives me because his little daughter fell in love with the Leclerc boy. This is perfectly normal. I'm not asking you to kiss me in public, of course if you want to kiss me you can do it at any time, but I'm not asking you to

-Charles, this is crazy

-No, it's not. Provided we are not in love. I don’t want anything from you just to get my honesty and respect back. And you can find yourself a boy who will finally get you out of hell.

-I don't know. -- Rose swallowed,-- but fine,we're good, --she said, and I smiled

I smiled contentedly as I reached my goal and Rose started to chew her nails anxiously. I haven’t seen a girl so nervous around me yet. Her whole body became tense and she literally got a word out.

-Rose, is everything okay?-- I asked as she looked at me. Her green eyes lit up on her face and as the sun shone on her skin everything looked so perfect on her.

-No, you know, since Jules' death, there hasn't been anyone who has taken my hand or hugged me. Even worse. I haven't kissed in a couple of years and now you're going to change everything and I hate change.

-Jules is to blame again. Imagine he was my godfather. But fuck, he's dead. You have to forget the past so you can build for the future. How long do you want to torture yourself?

-I don't know, Charles, --she whispered, then began to cling to the railing of the ship. I stepped closer to her and was already so close that I put my hand on her waist. She shuddered, then took a deep breath

-Charles, stop,-- she instructed

-So this is your comfort zone, --I said I'll put both hands on my waist and turn the girl towards me

--I'm going to pass out, Rose said, I'll .... with that sentence, she passed out in my hands.

Suddenly I didn’t even know what I could do, but I poured a glass of water down her face.

-Rose, don't leave me here, can you hear me? ,-- I shouted. The boat was in the middle of the sea so I thought it better to go back to shore with the girl. I stepped toward the government when the girl finally regained consciousness

-Charles, --she called my name. --What the hell happened?

-Nothing serious, you just fainted. I didn't want to upset you so get used to my touches, --I said and stroked the girl's face

-I will try, --she said and as the breeze blew into her hair I felt the moment so perfect.

-Charles please take me to the hotel,-- she said when we were finally on the beach again

-Immediately, --I said and we sat in the black ferrari. The trip was a pleasant conversation until we arrived at the hotel.


I couldn't fall asleep that night. There will be free practice the next day, but the awareness of that moved my brain even more. And Rose's thought was almost tingling. Her soft voice and soft skin woke me up long enough. The desire that only men can and should know. Brutal thoughts swirled in me. I suppressed my head and with that my thoughts. But it didn't work. I sat up in bed in shock and had to come to fall in love with Rose Ferrari. And the worst part is that I can't touch her, I don't kiss her. In desperation, I fell into my bed again and waited for my dreams to finally put me to sleep.



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Lovely day with a lovely girl 🍓


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