"How? How will we get him back?" Virgil asks brokenly. 

"First things first, what happened exactly?" Logan asks. He explains everything that happened from when they left the house. 

"So they were already looking for two supers? When you two ran they must've assumed you were who they were looking for," Logan says. 

"What else could we have done?" Virgil asks. "I'm not criticizing what you did. I would've done the same. Just interacting with guards is something best to avoid. I'm simply saying the reason they went after you," Logan explains.

"Now on to how we get Roman back. We'll be talking to the rebellion," Janus says. 

"The rebellion? I thought that was just a rumor?" Virgil says. 

"As did we. Seems that is not the case," Logan tells him. 

"Why the rebellion?" Virgil asks. 

"Apparently they'll be able to help us find out where Roman was taken," Remus says. 

"Then what? How will we go about getting him back?" Virgil asks. 

"You can discuss that with my contact. I've called them. They'll be here shortly," Dr. Strohm says. 

She sits on a recliner chair while the group continues standing up. Virgil looks down and plays with his fingers. He thinks back to how Roman kissed him. How Roman said he loved him. For how long? That's all Virgil can think to ask. He will too. He'll ask him when they get him back. Then he'll tell him that he loves him too because he does. He has for almost as long as they've known each other.

He remembers when he first realized how he felt about Roman. It was about a year after they met. Virgil was having a bad day. Reliving the moment of his parents death. He had accidently used Vocal on them. They were outside at a park. He had gotten upset and ran across the street to get away from them. They of course ran after him. Being upset, Virgil yelled back at them to stop following him. Unbeknownst to him his ability had manifested. They stopped. Right in the middle of the road. They were hit by a speeding car. He was twelve years old. His mother died instantly but his father survived. 

Later at the hospital his father gave him his watch and told Virgil it wasn't his fault. Then he told Virgil that if anything happened to him that Virgil had to run. His parents had told him before about supers. His mother was one. She could move things with her mind. His father died that same night from his injuries. Doing as his father said Virgil ran away.

Just a few months later he had found his way from Sorron to Camar. That's when he met Roman and the others. A year after they met, Roman had found him in the room crying. He asked what was wrong. Virgil broke down further and told him all about it. Roman simply listened and then he did his best to comfort him. It was such a simple thing but it meant everything to Virgil. 

Eventually he did tell the others about what happened. They too were understanding and there for him but it wasn't the same. Something about the way Roman held and spoke to him that day. It made Virgil see him in a whole new light. He wasn't just this boy that he was living with anymore. He wasn't just a friend. He became so much more than that to him.

"Virgil," Patton says as he touches Virgil's arm. Virgil quickly looks up. 

"Yes?" he asks. 

"We've called your name twice. Are you feeling alright?" Patton asks. He looks at his friends to see them watching him with worried expressions. 

"I'm fine. Just worried about Roman," Virgil responds. They all nod in understanding. A knock at the door catches all of their attention. Kayla stands up and leaves the living room. She walks down the hall to the front door. 

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