"Your full name? Birthdate as well," the woman inquires. 

"Roman Evans. March 7th 2002," he responds. The woman nods and enters the information into her computer.

"Your turn," The woman says to Sarah. 

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt," Roman tells her. She nods and puts her hand on the scanner. When it beeps she pulls her hands back and grabs Roman's shirt again. 

"Name and birthdate?" the woman asks. 

"Sarah Wood. April 27th 2009," Sarah responds. Again the woman enters the information into the computer. 

"Follow me," the first guard says to Roman. 

"You're to follow me," the second one says to Sarah. 

"You said we could stay together," Roman says as Sarah moves in close to him. 

"Relax. You'll be together. You both have to shower and change first though," the first guard says. Roman looks down at Sarah. 

"Look you need to go with the guard okay?" he says to her but she shakes her head. 

"It'll be okay. Just do what they tell you and then they'll bring you back to me," he says as comforting as he can. She hesitates before letting go of his shirt. 

"Come on," the first guard says to Roman. They lead him into the first set of doors on the left side of the room. Sarah goes through the first set on the right.

They walk down a corridor before reaching a shower room. 

"Wait here," the guard says walking into a side room. He comes back with a white shirt, gray sweatpants, socks, a towel and a bar of soap.  

"You have ten minutes," they say as they remove the cuffs. Roman nods and walks to the furthest shower. He puts his new clothes off to the side before he undresses. He tosses his clothes to where the new ones are. Then he quickly showers. Making sure to wash everywhere. When he's done he grabs the towel and quickly dries off. Once he's dry he gets dressed into the new clothes. He puts his shoes back on and then gathers his old clothes. 

"Put them in the bin there," he says pointing to a bin, "You won't be needing them anymore." Roman does as he's told.

"Take out your laces," the guard says, gesturing to Roman's shoes. He bends down and takes them out. They're just for show anyways. 

"Let's go," the guard says and leads him back to the first room. 

"Where is she?" Roman asks when he doesn't see Sarah. Before the guard could decide whether or not to answer, the first set of doors on the other end of the room open and Sarah runs over. She's wearing the same thing as Roman. 

"You okay?" he asks her. She simply nods. 

"Roman, your room is number 19. Sarah yours is number 20. Now for the rules," the woman starts off, "You are not to use your abilities anywhere but the training room. Fighting of any kind will not be tolerated. You'll find the meal schedule on the wall in the common room. If you miss a meal you must simply wait for the next one. You can get a second change of clothes and toiletries at the commissary station. You'll get your training uniform when you begin training. That's about it. If you have any questions ask one of the other supers."

"Alright. Come on," the second guard says. They lead the two of them around the desk to the double doors at the other end of the room. They walk through them and walk down a long corridor. At the end is another set of double doors. 

Finally they enter a room filled with about 20 other people of all ages, colors, races and genders. There's multiple rooms with metal doors around the room. It's not loud but there are a lot of people talking. Without another word the guards leave. A young guy sees the newcomers first and taps the girl sitting next to him. She looks up and sees them. Then slowly the entire room notices them. Sarah grabs onto Roman's sleeve and stands behind him. 

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