Cast + Prologue Part 2

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(Cast continued)

(Cast continued)

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André Lafont

 An Old Plant, Snoop, Mole or The Secret Detective's Teacher

"Ok, Y/n, remember what I taught you, ma louloutte."

Wendy Corduroy

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Wendy Corduroy

Age: 19

Insta account: @ wendyy

The Second Best Friend of a Secret Detective / The Fun and Cool Friend

"We all miss you Liv, when are you coming back to Gravity Falls?"

Bill Cipher

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Bill Cipher

The Dream Demon

"Remember; reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Bye!"

"Sure I am, what's your point?"


//Narrator's p.o.v//

Right now, you are inside your house in Japan. You are talking with one of your close friends, Hitoshi Kaneko, and Akari Miwa. His English name is Jackson. And her English name is Rose. You hand picked their English names, yourself. They respect you as both a person and a detective. So they will usually call you, senpai or Y/n - sama to be respectful and polite. And you also like them and respect them too. You have been friends with them when you first got into contact where you stayed at Winchester, England, which was more than 20 years ago.

Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now