Bloom turned to see that Serena's gaze had landed on a pixie with long black hair and purple eyes. She wore a red and white kimono and had a big purple bow in her hair.

"Rei-chan?" Bloom could hear her whisper. She could see the bond forming between the fairy and the pixie. "Well Serena, there you go!" She said. The girl snapped out of her small trance. "You mean... this is my destined pixie?"

Bloom nodded. "Yup!" Serena looked back at the little raven-haired pixie, who flew into her arms. "She looks a lot like my friend..." she said a little distantly. Were her eyes getting misty?

"Anyways... I ---" Bloom was cut off by a big bang sound in the distance. "Must be the Trix!" She said seriously. She listened for the witches voices. Surely enough, their laughing was heard near Alfea. "Let's go! Sailorix Power! Make-Up!!!" Bloom exclaimed.

"Mo--Ahem... Prismix Power! Make-Up!!!" Serena shouted after her. What was she about to say? Bloom didn't think about it as she was wrapped in orange ribbons.

*Serena's POV*

"Ahahahaha!!!" Icy cackled. Bloom and Serena saw that Aisha was already fighting the three witches, and they received a power up too. "As a Pretty Guardian in a sailor suit! Guardian of Waves and Morphix! Sailor Andros! Prepare to feel a wave of justice!"

'Wait what did i just say?' Aisha wondered where that came from

'Aisha is a senshi?!' Serena thought. Suddenly the other Winx came out to help. "We've got your back!" Musa said. "although we would've had your back earlier if Stella didn't blow up the lab... AGAIN!!!" Techna snapped.

"Didn't they JUST finish fixing it?" Bloom asked. The four nodded. Stella very guiltily.

"ANDROS TIDAL WAVE!!!" Aisha cried, shooting a huge wave at the three witches. She let her powerful blue wings swiftly move away from the Trix's counter attacks.

They sat soaked on the ground when the attack hit. "Ugh, no! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Darcy complained. "I will NOT let you beat us you stupid fairy!" She screamed at Aisha. "She's snapped..." Everyone said.

"ENVELOPING DARKNESS!!!" Darcy yelled, casting a spell making a cloak of darkness surround Aisha. The dark energy seemed to be poisoning her, making her want to get out even more.

"Andros!" Serena exclaimed frantically. "Why isn't she calling her Aisha?" She could hear Stella whisper to Bloom. "I'll explain later"

"I'm okay Serena..." Aisha said a bit weakly. "I can get out of this on my own!" She yelled.

*Aisha's POV*

'I have to get out of this thing...' Aisha thought. She tried as much as she could, but nothing worked. She glimpsed the Specialists coming to help fight. Was there an extra one? Darcy turned to the Winx and Specialists. "YOUR TURN!"

No! Aisha tried harder. She could feel that she was close to breaking the barrier. "Enveloping..." Darcy started, and Icy and Stormy joined her for a convergence. "Ice Storm!" They finished.

"NO WAY!" Aisha exclaimed. Her tiara started glowing and she broke through her binds. The attack meant for twelve hit Aisha. Instead of just being encased in ice, her wings broke off into a flurry of royal blue feathers and she turned into ice herself. (I swear I'm not trying to make a Frozen reference!)


Aisha woke up next to three large crystals. "Where am I?" She asked. "This is the Chamber of Prayer in Silver Millennium" A soft voice said. Aisha turned to see a beautiful woman in a white and gold dress. She had golden hair and a gold crescent moon on her forehead.

"Who are you?" Aisha asked. The woman smiled. "My name is Princess Serenity" she said. Her voice calmed Aisha down. "Why am I here?" She asked. She had a million questions right now...

"You have proven yourself worthy of Crystalix" Serenity said cheerfully. "I have!" Aisha realized that when she sacrificed her life for her friends, Princess Serenity found her worthy to receive the new power.

A blue crystal appeared in the princess's hand. Aisha stared at the glimmering object in awe. "This is the blue rainbow crystal... from now on, this is your star seed." The princess said. "My... star seed?"

"A star seed is the star-like soul within us all. We heavenly bodies possess the strongest ones." Serenity explained. "Then... don't I already have one?" Aisha asked. The princess nodded. "Yes, however your powers have outgrown it, and now it is time to receive your destined star!" Princess Serenity lowered the blue rainbow crystal into not only her brooch, but her heart as well.

"What a warm feeling in my chest..." Aisha looked up to see the princess was gone. "Princess Serenity?" She called out. Silence. Aisha shrugged and headed back to her friends.


*Serena's POV*

Serena was panting when she reached everyone. She had to transform from Serenity to her Prismix form and run back here without being seen. She would've used her wings, but she was bad at flying.

"Aisha!" Serena pretended to be worried sick. She knew exactly where Aisha was. Somewhere between Silver Millennium and Magix!

The Trix were laughing. "Looks like we got rid of her!" They said wickedly. "No Aisha!" Roy exclaimed. Serena wanted to tell him that it was all okay, but she couldn't.

"Blue Crystal Smash!" A beam of dark blue power hit the witches. "A-Aisha?" Everyone except Serena choked out. "How dare you try to hurt my friends!" Aisha exclaimed.

The Trix looked like they were about to turn to dust. "Ugh... we'll be back!" They said, sort of wailing in pain.

"Aisha, is that?" Bloom didn't have to finish her question. "Yup! Its Crystalix!" Aisha smiled. "You should've seen how pretty the princess was!" She squealed. Serena could feel herself blushing. She almost said thanks but held herself back.

"Princess?" Bloom seemed pretty shocked. 'Maybe she found out about Princess Serenity from Minako?' Serena thought. Aisha nodded.

"You did great, protecting your friends like that." Someone said. The Winx turned around, confused as to who was speaking. However, Serena knew who it was. 'That voice... it can't be!' her heartbeat was quickening. She turned around and almost cried in happiness, but almost fainted in shock.

"Serena?" The person said in shock.


To be continued...

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