Learning About The Past

Start from the beginning

Alot more books than Serena would've expected came circling around them. "Ah!" She cried as a book hit her head. Daphne began getting the books under control. "Why'd you search that?" Serena asked, rubbing the paper cut on her forehead.

"For Bloom. She and the Winx met Sailor Moon at the pizzeria and Bloom told me about a dream involving her last night..." Daphne replied calmly, skimming through the books. "Could you wait in class for a moment? I'll be there in a minute." She asked. Serena nodded and walked away.

"Did I raise any sort of suspicion?" She muttered to herself as she ran into someone. "Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" She frantically exclaimed and bowed. A familiar girl with dark orange hair turned to her. "Hey Serena!" Bloom smiled cheerily.

"Bloom! Hey, wha- what are you doing here?" Serena asked. "I came to talk to Daphne." Bloom replied a bit seriously. The blonde girl noticed a haunted look in her friends eyes. "Are you okay?" Serena asked with concern.

"Oh its nothing" Bloom lied. She didn't want to tell anyone about her dream except Daphne, who she already told. "So... hows class been?" She asked. "Who are you, Ami?" Serena laughed but Bloom had no clue what she was talking about. "Ami?"

"Friend of mine" Serena clarified. "Oh, so ... Serena, I've been meaning to learn more about you, I like getting to know my roommates!" Bloom said cheerfully

Serena didn't know if she was telling the truth, or if she was suspicious of her. "Oh, well... I'm from Tokyo in Japan." She started. "Your from Earth too! Yay! I live in Gardenia in the states." Her red-headed friend replied. "What else? How did you get your powers?" She asked.

"Well... My actual kingdom was destroyed and I was... moved to Earth to start a new life there. One day, I met Luna and she told me about my powers. And since then I've been saving the cosmos!" Serena realized too late that she gave away too much, but Bloom didn't seem to notice. "Your kingdom was destroyed too :O So was mine!"

"R-really?" Serena asked. Bloom nodded. "I know its a strange question, but has your boyfriend ever been brainwashed?" She asked and laughed at herself a bit. "Oh my god freaking YES!" Serena replied with an exasperated sigh. Bloom was shocked to find that out. "I'm so glad that hasn't only been happening to Sky!" She sighed.

"It sure can be nerve wrecking huh?" Serena laughed with Bloom, who nodded. Daphne came up with a bunch of books and handed them to Bloom. "How'd you know I would bring these books to you?" She asked.

"I didn't, why did you give me books exactly?" Bloom asked, trying to keep the stack of books in her hands balanced. "Look at the covers" her sister replied. Bloom looked up a bit to see the cover clearly. "Oh thanks! Speaking of Sailor Moon, I wanted to talk to you about something" she sat the books down and walked with Daphne into the classroom.

Serena stood quietly, waiting for them to be done, guessing it was a family matter. Bloom came out soon after the last bell rang. "Well, that's less school for me!" Serena said cheerfully.


Bloom had read almost every book Daphne had given her. The legends and stories were so sad at some parts, that she almost cried. "Sailor Moon..." she said, with misty eyes after reading a sad story about her adventures.

Serena, after hearing her other identity, peeked into the room. Bloom looked a little dazed and sad. "Why would you do all of this? I could never equal up to you could I?" She said. Serena was on the verge to walking in there and telling Bloom that she was a much braver fighter and just a braver person in general, but she held herself back.

​"I don't know exactly why, but somehow I look up to you!" Bloom laughed at herself a little. Serena thought Bloom knew who Sailor Moon was and knew that she was right by her. She almost panicked. Bloom threw herself onto her bed, almost seeing Serena through the door.

"Ha! Why am I trying to talk like that? Its not like Sailor Moon can actually hear me! But whatever..." She sighed. 'Actually I can hear you, thank you very much' Serena thought.

"I'll do as Sailor Venus said and protect you!" Bloom cheered. Serena fainted anime-style. "When did she meet Minako?!" She muttered. "Huh?" Bloom asked as she opened the door. "Serena! Are you alright?!" She asked a bit frantically.

"I'm okay..." the blonde murmured. "Wait, were you spying on me?" Bloom asked. "No! I was just coming to ask if you... wanted to just walk around outside with me! And I kinda hit something and fell..." Serena was glad she thought quickly. "Oh, okay. Sure! I'll come outside! I could use some fresh air." The red-head cheered.

Serena sat in silence and shock as her friend went to get her purse. "I can't believe she actually believed me!"

To be continued... (I'm just gonna leave this chapter on a slightly humorous note... See ya later!)

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter. Next one is going to be the last update for today ^-^ Nya!

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