38 | Finding Strength

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Zarius remains behind me, just silently watching and listening to our conversation. Mr. Daniels's hand clutches to the side of his waist over his black shirt, and it's only when I see his blood seeping through his fingers do I finally catch on.

He's hurt.

How could we not have noticed it?

I suck in a deep breath, feeling a wave of hot guilt and remorse dousing me. "Why didn't you tell us you are injured?"

Mr. Daniels simply gives me a faint smile. "Didn't want to frighten that poor little girl again with an old man that's bleeding. Mia, isn't it?"

"Mia," I agree. "How bad is it?"

He lifts his torn shirt, showing me two nasty claw marks right above his hip bone. I inspect closely, noting how deep they are. In fact, they look discolored, which is a clear sign of infection. This kind of wound probably requires stitches too, but there's no medical professional here to patch him up.

"I didn't feel the pain at first," Mr. Daniels admits, "but now it's hurting like hell."

When he sees me staring at him worriedly, he assures me with a wave of his hand. "Don't worry, kid. I'm tougher than you think. The time that I have spent on the national team has built me stronger mentally and physically."

"That was many years ago," I point it out. "You must miss playing competitively."

Even though he's injured, the memories of the good old times make him swell with pride. "You're right, but once I got married and we had a son, I settled for a job with a stable income in a small town. I wouldn't trade my family for anything in the world."

Seeing the look of love on his face as he describes his family, I smile. "Have you gone home to look for them?"

His face falls, despondent. "No. They flew back to the UK to visit my wife's parents before this whole thing happened. I haven't heard from them since then."

"I'm so sorry, sir. I hope they're safe."

"Me too." He shifts in his seat with a groan, but still gives me a weak smile. "Don't worry about it. I'll make sure you kids are safe first before I leave."

Even though he's hurting, he's trying to ease my worry and continue to play his role as a teacher. But that's what breaks my heart.

I straighten up and retreat to where Zarius is standing. "Is there anything you can do for him?"

He shoots me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Delia. I'm not a healer."

I bite my bottom lip, feeling at a loss of how to help Mr. Daniels. The next time the creatures come after us, how is he going to defend himself with those wounds?

But first things first, we need to stop the bleeding. "I'll go get a first aid kit from the nurse's office."

Zarius nods and follows me to the first floor. The nurse's office is messy, but I quickly find the first aid kit wedged between the bottom of the shelf and a fallen table. After pulling it out, I snatch up some painkillers and a couple of mineral bottles from a stash. I make a mental note to return for the rest of the supplies later.

Once we get back to Mr. Daniels, he chugs down the painkillers, antibiotics, and water first, while I attempt to clean and dress his wounds. It's messy work, and I wish Maddie was here to do it instead. She's better at this kind of stuff than I am.

Once I'm done, he gives me a nod of appreciation. "Thanks, Ms. Walters. You did a great job."

"Cordelia," I correct him. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

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