7 | Hideout

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It's funny how life sometimes can be funny. Stuck in such a dire situation, I never imagine that the stuff that I've learnt in History will surface in my mind.

For centuries, the world battles against diseases, wars and famine; Spanish flu, World Wars, COVID-19, the Raging Heat. Now, it's the waters. The substance that occupies 70% of the Earth and the basis of all forms of living.

Because of oil spills, chemical contamination and human wastes, men have tainted what was once a beautiful blue color into a murky, poisonous seawater. Pollution has contaminated the minds of the sea creatures, mutating them into mindless monsters who seek fresh blood and meat on the surface.

And now, we're officially their favorite snack.

I glance up at the ceiling, shuddering at the faint thumps above us. Outside, it's a war. But down here, we're safe. For now.

It doesn't take long for me to learn the names of our fellow companions. There are Charles and Emily, the brothers—Matteo and Max—and the family—George, Clara and their five-year-old girl, Mia.

"I'm Roxie," Mom introduces herself. "And this is my daughter, Cordelia."

Max dips his head at us in acknowledgment. "Where's your dad?"

"No dad," I reply emotionlessly.

Matteo gazes at Mom with a rather peculiar expression and I glare at him, finding something icky in his character. From the way he's staring at Mom like one of those men who ogles at pretty ladies, I'm one hundred percent certain he isn't thinking appropriate stuff in his head when we're in such a messed up situation.

Yes, despite being a single mother, my Queen has kept herself fit and classy for all these years because of her job. Even with all that blood splattered across her clothes, it still can't hide her sharp features–


I frown at Mom, like really inspecting her for the first time, realizing how much thinner she looks now. Now that I think about it, Mom has been busy feeding me all her life, but has she fed herself well?

Meanwhile, Charles tunes into News Center Maine on his phone and everyone falls into immediate silence to catch the words. With bated breath, we see a reporter clutching onto his seat and reporting live from inside a flying helicopter.

They are hovering over the coasts, fierce waves crashing against the shores. The camera pans at the giant mob of monsters ravaging the land. They pounce on fleeing humans and destroy what humanity has built for the past few decades.

The reporter yells into the mic. "Unbelievable!" A combination of fear and exhilaration filled his eyes. The wind heavily disheveled his hair. "This is insane! We're literally seeing hundreds, no, thousands of creatures crawling out of the seas and attacking humans! They're not your average animals, they have claws and limbs! How did this evolution happen? Has humanity's pollution set off something? Or has the government been withholding information from us about their secret labs? How did our satellites not capture images—what the hell is that?!"

The camera pans back toward the seas. A massive shadow lurks in waters right beneath them, swirling around in circles with giant fins. The motion morphs the waters in something akin to a whirlpool.

As the reporter and pilot gapes at the strange sight, something big and gray shoots out of the waters, jaw wide open with pointed teeth. The next thing we know, the camera shifts violently. Screams fill the air, metals are crushing, and the video soon fades into a black screen.

It leaves us bewildered. Stunned with terror. Neither of us makes a move or says a word until Matteo clears his throat loudly.

"Well," he remarks. "I guess we're really drowning in this shit."

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