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🌹Emerald's pov 🌹

I could hear noises around me put I couldn't make sense out of it, then i felt a nudge on my arm and a voice saying wake up! wake up! I immediately sat up straight I guess we are here I said to myself, my blind fold was still on I was guided out of the car, then I heard take her to room 19 first hall a hand encircled around my arm and just like that I turned around so fast and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and I immediately removed my blindfolds and made a run for it, this place is a fortress I said out loud I kept on running  I could hear thundering footsteps behind me I was barefooted my legs were screaming in pain and just like that everywhere got dark.

Woke up to my ears ringing and my neck sore I was in a room there was a lamp the light was dim I immediately made it to  the door turned the handle the door seemed to be locked, i yelled for help nothing came no one came,I kept on screaming my throat was parched I was so thirsty but for some reason I couldn't move my feet, and just like that I gave into slumber and slept on the hard cold floor.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the lights peeling through the blinds, I startled awake immediately realizing where I was.

Hello! Anyone! Please help, I stood up pacing about the room then I saw a reflection of someone I quickly retreated back and I stood fully facing the mirror and I saw someone who has gone through a lot for the past few months, I realized I was still in that same dress from yesterday I immediately located the bathroom and ran in.

My skin was so sore from the countless amount of scrubbing trying to wash off the pain and dirt of the past months, I felt hopeless lost is this how my life ends here with a man I barely know God knows what he'd do to me.

Slowly getting out of the shower my legs were looking all better remind me in my next escape tryout I should put on shoes the and was freaking hot and everywhere was pricky moving in the room I looked t the richness of it not knowing what to do I was still in the bathrobe I looked at door thinking of a magic spell that would just open it.

A note slipped in through the door,i rushed over to door turning it's knob ughhhhh!! locked why won't you let me out? I promise not to run I'd be a good girl just let me out, still no reply.

I looked at the letter on the foot mat decided against going for it for all I know it might be a bomb I declared out loud, curiousity eating me up alive I finally  picked it up and I carefully read the content.

THE CASSANO RULE it was written In bold letters

#1 Never address Mr Cassano by his name only MASTER
#2 Do not step out of your room unless requested for
#3 Do not act friendly with the guards
#4 Always wear the dress presented to you
#5 when you meet your master do not speak unless been spoken too
#6 Do not mingle with any other aside your master
#7 Do not pry into the private matters of your master #8 Do not dare take off your master mask
Breaking any of these rules will result in dire consequences

What the.....!!! oh sweet baby Jesus , I'm not obeying this sick rule it's not possible, I looked to the bed and saw a beautiful green dress, I looked away from the dress and I went to the wardrobe instead I saw a varieties of clothing decided to pick sweats and a hoodie.

Trying my luck again I twisted the knob and yes! Yes! Yes! I did a happy dance opening the door slowly I looked sideways the hallway was empty gosh is this a freaking mansion or what lots of rooms aiye, i strolled down different halls it was like a maze all the doors  looked the same just the numbers on it that told it apart i stopped at a room door it was very fascinating unlike the others it was different  it  called me in I turned the lock and it was open.

Opening it  slightly i took a step after the other my curiosity getting the best of me, until I was fully inside the room, it was all black ranging from the bed to the dresser to the wallpaper everywhere was  black this person is a psycho I thought to myself, I quickly dashed for the door only to land on my butt, ouch, watch where you are goin...........,

"oh really"

I heard a deep voice say the accent could be heard clearly with each word I looked up, my brain started calculating as I pieced it all together the mask, the accent, the hair, the body of a Greek god, the weird looking room oh no Vincenzo I said out loud, the god like man standing above me chuckled darkly and said

" is someone already breaking the rules I froze".

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