Lazy Punches 1-3

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Here's the first chapter, and the first Lazy Punch. Lazy Punches are a collection of random Canon events that happen outside of the main plot, basically filler. Enjoy


Lazy Punch 1: Random Moments

Linc, Eva, Jason, Drew, and George were in the supermarket. Lincoln walked by some Walkie-Talkies and a thought came to his head.

Linc: What if the person who named Walkie-Talkies, named everything?

Eva: Pregnancy tests would be Maybe Babies

Jason: Socks would be Feetie Heaties

George: Forks would be Stabby Grabbies

Eva: Defibrillators would be Heartie Starties

Jason: Nightmares would be Dreamy Screamies

George: Stamps would be Lickie Stickies

Drew: (annoyed) You are all f**king disappointments...


Lincoln was sharpening his cooking knives when a thought came to him.

Linc: Responses for being stabbed with a knife?

Eva: Rude.

Drew: That's fair.

George: Not again.

Jason: Are you going to want this back?


George was pouring hot coffee but spilled some on his hand and dropped and broke both the pot and his cup.

George: I'm an idiot.

Eva: ...

Drew: ...

Linc: ...

Jason: ...

George: ...

Eva: If you're waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.


Linc and Jason were sorting movies, and Linc found a bunch of Horror movie sets.

Linc: What are your guys' favorite horror movies?

Eva: It.

Drew: Saw.

George: Annabelle.

Jason: High School Musical. After watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I'd be the only one who didn't know the lyrics.


Drew was looking at his phone while everyone was going about their business.

Drew: What does 'take out' mean?

Linc: Food.

George: Dating.

Jason: Murder.


Jason: ... I don't even want to know what all three entails.


Linc and Drew were leaving the apartment building, and Linc had a coupon book in hand.

Linc: Bye Eva! Bye George! Bye Jason! Bye Eva!

Drew: You said 'bye Eva' twice.

Linc: Out of all you crazy bastards, I like Eva more.

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