Punch 7: Blade Of Honor, Chemical Acid, And Artificial Shadows.

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Here's the next part. Thanks to omegacrow-nexus for helping with the chapter. Feel free to share with others! Enjoy!

In The Past The Moment After The Locker Room Was Teleported...

As soon as the room stopped glowing, Roku jumped down and threw a truck-sized ice kunai through the lockers, only to hit nothing but the lockers.

Cyryu: Ha! I win!

Toko: You may want to get down too.

Cyryu: Why-

The ceiling suddenly collapsed, causing Cyryu to hit the floor with drywall hitting him.

Mani: That's why.

Roku chuckled only to be hit with a slab of drywall, thrown by Cyryu. Then, as the shinobi and samurai exchanged glares, the walls collapsed. Revealing nearly millions of monsters, but as soon as the monsters saw them they looked confused.

Monster 1: What they your not Mir-

Cyryu and Roku suddenly attacked the monsters.

Linc: Never talk if two warriors or people are about to attack one another, that's just asking to be attacked.

Mani: Even I knew that. And I was raised as a shut-in.

Deku: ... I don't see it...

Mani: Never said it worked.

Malia: (cracks another monster's skull) Not the time right now.

Mani: Do you guys want the 200 on the left? Or the 300 on the right? Or how about the 150 in the center?

Deku: I'll take the center...

Malia was already hammering away at the 200 monsters on the left while yelling "ORA" all over again. Mani shrugged and followed Toko going to the right. Linc simply looked around at the strongest monsters before going over and one-shotting them. Cyryu and Roku were just killing random groups of monsters.

Back In The Present...

Linc and the examinees were running down the only cavern tunnel.

Linc: ... Do you guys know the Alien Movies? This cave is reminding me of that series.

Cyryu: Ah. One of my favorites! It's a- (to Roku) I can feel your look of disgust ninja. What is it?

Roku: Alien? The series that ruined the Predator?

Cyryu: WHAT?!?!

Roku: You heard me... it ruined the Predator...

Malia: Can we focus?!

Suddenly a small monster with millions of razor-sharp teeth lunged at Malia, who dodged it with ease and paid it no attention as she scolded the two men.

Cyryu: I am focusing! I'm focusing on the fact that this Ninja thinks Alien ruined the Predator when it's clearly the other way around!

Cyryu tilted his head as the monster tried attacking again, letting it fly over his shoulder. Again, getting no attention from the examinees.

Roku: Well it's true.

Roku avoided the attacking monster, which hit the wall and still got no attention at all.

Deku: I forgot... Is the Predator the one with that guy from Terminator? What was his name?

Deku did a small jump over the monster as it attacked once again.

Toko: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Just to be clear, due to my robotic voice, I didn't say the N-word, that's a pair of his name.

Toko moves to the right as the monster misses its target again.

One-Punch Linc (One Punch Man x Loud House, Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now