Chapter 5 His Scent

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Jungkook walk into the east section of the castle where all of his wives sleep

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Jungkook walk into the east section of the castle where all of his wives sleep. He took a few glasses of wine before heading their way. This time Jungkook wasn't drunk, so he will be able to perform his duty as an Alpha. He already though of the wife he wanted to sleep with tonight. It was between Yeji, or Lisa. Those are the only two who kept sending him signals, and flirting with him.

Jungkook walk to the hallway all the way to the end, towards Yeji's room, only to find the red ribbon on the door. Jungkook frown in disappointment, so he move to the second door, Lisa's. And find the same situation.

"She too?" That's when Jungkook saw all the doors with the ribbon. "What the fuck is this?" He said to no one. He was not expecting for all of his wives to be on their period. He heard of women synchronizing on their monthly period after they live together, but it's been a few weeks, he would've expected that, maybe in a few years. But not so soon, how was that even possible?"

There's a superstition in this world that no one should have sex with an omega during their period, that could lead to infertility for the Alpha, and that was something everyone took very seriously, specially the king. The future of his Kingdom depended oh his ability to have a child.

Jungkook walk away from the hallway. He is going to have to wait another couple of day to seek one of his wives. For now he will just go to bed and maybe give himself pleasure. But that's when he saw that door. The only door with no red ribbon, Jimin's door. Jungkook stare at it, but didn't move from his place.

"The male Omegas have a surprise for the Alphas who mates with them" the voice of his mother sounded in his head, wondering what she meant by that. Of course he wasn't going to sleep with Jimin. Not even if he was the last omega in the world. Jungkook was standing there, looking in direction of Jimin's door, when suddenly that faint aroma from before came back to him. That's when he turn around and saw Jimin coming his way.

"Good evening your majesty" said Jimin to be polite, as he walk by, and as always avoiding his gaze

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"Good evening your majesty" said Jimin to be polite, as he walk by, and as always avoiding his gaze.

"Why aren't you in your room?" Jungkook demanded with a tone of hate in his voice.

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