Chapter II: The Land of Dreams

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*book closes*

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*book closes*

"And that's how the legendary aeon hero came to be! Any questions?" A teacher closes her book.

"Teacher what about the time he got sealed and stuff?" Gooey raises his hand.

"It's a story for another time!"

"When do we learn about Meta Knight next?"

"Sir Meta Knight is just right in the next page, it seems like we have alot to discuss tomorrow my my."


"Kirby wake up! You missed the entire story!"

"....wah!" Kirby woke up to his friend Ribbon shaking him,

"Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!"
The pink fairy smiles.

"ah? Thank you!" Kirby smiles as he rubs his drowsy eyes.

The two laughed it off as the rest of the children asks questions.

"Ma'am! Is Kirby included in that book?" Chuchu raises her hand.

"Oh of course! Sometimes I forget that I have a star warrior in my class.." she chuckles she flips through the pages

"...ah there! Kirby" she immediately shows the book to everyone,

"As you all know Kirby has done alot for this planet! An honorable little hero! And also to his friends that helped him out on his journeys" She added.

Everyone cheered at Kirby as he giggled and scratched his head.

"We're going to learn about all of our heroes throughout the school year we have enough time to discuss Kirby for another day."



"That's the bell, everyone wait for their guardians outside and safe travels, see you all tomorrow."

"See you Miss Teacher Dee!"

Kirby grabs his bag as his friends immediately surrounds him

"Do ya wanna play while we wait for our parents?"
"Kirby! Can you help me with.."
"What's up Kirby!"

"h..hi everyone..." Kirby couldn't handle everyone's voice overlapping each other.

"I'll treat you food with my spare allowance, what do you say?" Ribbon grabs his arm smirking.


"No fair! I'll treat Kirby on a buffet!" Chuchu angrily replies tugging Kirby's arm even harder.

Kirby was pulled back in fort until

"Enough you two, some of you should know what a personal space is sometimes!"

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