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Xavier's POV:

She holds me tightly, both her arms and legs wrapped around my body. She hasn't let go of me since I entered the bed, but it's not like I'm complaining. A small sound of disapproval escapes her lips when I try to get up.

"Mama, I'll be back. Let me just make you some breakfast," I say softly, rubbing her lower back in small circles. "You need to eat."

"Don't leave me," she whimpers, snuggling closer into my body.

"I'm not. I'm just making breakfast," I assure her, kissing her temples.

"No," she protests. "Please Xavier. Don't leave."

The breaks in her voice cause a sting to rush through my heart. Fuck, she is still in such a vunrable state.

"Okay mama. I won't leave you, but you'll come with me to the kitchen hmm? You need to eat something," I say.

"Okay," she whispers, clutching onto my neck and tightening her legs around my waist.

I carry her upward, moving her off the bed and making our way into the kitchen. As I lower her down I make sure to keep her near me. She instantly reaches for my arm the moment our skin breaks contact.

"Mamma, are you awake?" Asks Maya groggily who has just walked out of her room.

"Yes baby. How was your sleep?" Asks Nova, extending her arm out for Maya to grab.

Maya sees this action and bolts toward her. Throwing her arms around Nova's waist and giving her a big hug. Nova decides to let go of me and return the favour. Grabbing onto Maya with motherly love and hugging her back.

"It was okay. How was yours?"

"Okay as well," says Nova with a weak smile.

"Are you going to work today? I don't want you to. I want you to stay at home mamma. Just for today," says Maya, widening her puppy dog eyes at her.

"I'm not working today baby, so it will be just a girls night," she smiles, peppering kisses across her face.

"Girls night, plus me," I pout jokingly, squeezing Nova's hips which causes her to let out a small squeal.

"Of course Xavy! We can watch some Barbie movies and play heads up!" Exclaims Maya, reaching her arms up for me to pick her up.

I do, making sure to also keep myself near Nova. She has become more anxious, and paranoid lately, so anything I can do to help her is what I'll do. And by just being near her it seems to calm her nerves.

"Do we have any snacks? I'll call Ayla to grab some if we don't."

"I think we will have enough," she says, leaning her body closer to mine. "Ayla brang some groceries yesterday."

Since Nova has been adamant on me not leaving her, I have gotten Ayla to take on my shopping trips. She has been a big help throughout this whole process, so I can't help but feel grateful for what she has done for us.

"Can you make some blueberry waffles please?" Asks Maya.

"Of course mija. You want cinnamon mama?" I ask Nova.

"You know me so well," she smiles, her nose scrunching in response. "Yes please."

I blush, kissing her lips softly before setting Maya down and getting to work in the kitchen. Nova just stays behind me, holding my waist as I make the waffles.


Nova's POV:

"Do you really have to go, Xavier? I mean, I'm getting better but I just— I just need you to stay with me for a while longer," I say, fidgeting with the front of my sweater.

I'm getting better. I swear, but I still feel this paranoia. I still feel as though there are eyes watching me no matter where I go. It makes me feel ill whenever I get that cold feeling, but when I'm with Xavier it vanishes.

When I'm with Xavier, I feel protected. Like no one can hurt me. I understand how unhealthy it is to rely so heavily on a person like this, but I need him. I need him with me so that I can inturn get over this paranoia on my own.

"My father says he needs me at the den right now. It's urgent, but I'll be right back. This will be my last assignment, and it's with Ayla so you don't have to worry," he says, holding the side of my cheek. "You can do this Nova. It's only a couple of hours. You're strong enough to be by yourself, yes?" He asks, looking at me softly.

But I'm not strong enough.

"Okay," I whisper, trying to hold back tears that have been threatening to escape.

"Fuck, mama, I don't like seeing you like this. I hate seeing you doubt yourself. You're stronger than you think, and I need you to believe that in yourself," he says, caressing my cheek. "You know I'll be back as soon as possible, but I also think this will be good for you. You need some time to yourself."

I don't want time to myself.

"Okay," my voice cracks as I quickly wipe away a tear.

"Okay," he nods, leaning down to kiss me.

This kiss was soft, and sweet, but as soon as his mouth left mine I felt cold. I wanted his lips back on mine. I wanted his arms wrapped around me keeping me warm as he whispered sweet nothings into my ears.

I don't want him to leave.

"Maya's sleeping, but I'm sure she'd rather much hang out with you," he says.

I nod. He wipes away the tears that have escaped and gives me another kiss on my cheek. I walk him to the door, and he shoots me a bright smile before heading to his car and driving away.

I take a deep breath, needing to put on a brave face for Maya before walking into her room.

She looks like an angel while she sleeps. Her soft features smushed against her pillow causes a smile to form onto my lips.

"You are so adorable," I coo, sitting on the edge of her bed while I rub her arm gently.

"I know," she whispers, opening one eye.

This little shit. After eating her breakfast, and watching a couple movies with us she told us that she was tired. I believed her so I tucked her in with Xavier and we continued to watch the films.

"You never had to sleep. Did you?" I ask.

"I just wanted you and Xavy to have some time together," she says.

"What did I ever do to deserve you," I whisper, kissing the tip of her nose. "Thank you for always being so considerate. I know I haven't been the best—"

"Mamma shh," she hushes me. "Just give me hug."

"I will baby, but I need you to know how sorry—"

"Mamma hug," she says, cutting me off.

"Okay, okay," I chuckle, grabbing her and blowing raspberries into her cheeks.

She lets out a loud laugh, giggling into my neck. Her loud laugh honestly melts my heart. I poke her dimples and she laughs some more, hugging me tighter.

"Mamma, I love you," she says, looking up at me with wide eyes. "And I also want you to know that you don't need to rely on Xavy all the time. I'm here too. I can help you too."

"A child isn't supposed to take care of the parent, baby."

"Mamma, that's a lie. I should be able to take care of you just like you take care of me. We should take care of each other," she insists.

I stare at her in both amazement and utter pride. I am so proud to have raised a daughter as smart and extraordinary as this one. She is so articulate with her thoughts, and knowing the right things to say.

"I'm so proud of you," I say, kissing the top of her head.

"I'm glad," she smiles. "All I ever want to do is make you proud."

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