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Nova's POV:

"This is a lot to take in," says Kieran, his breathing slow and his eyes watering. "I first off want to apologize, Nova. I'm sorry that you had to go through something so horrible, and I'm sorry for never checking up on you. Secondly, I will do whatever it is in my power to take this ring down. You already have all the evidence. All we need to do now is find these people."

I told Kieran about the kidnapping. I told him everything that went down during those wretched days and he listened. He never interrupted, but listened. Genuinely hearing everything I had to say.

I haven't told him about Oliver yet since I wanted to talk to him first. I wanted to ask him why he would do something so fucked up like keeping a tape of me. It hurts me to even think that he was capable of doing something like this, but sadly not surprised.

"Kieran, I know I've been slacking but—"

"Nova, please," he says softly, placing a hand over my own. "You have done nothing but help. Fuck, you are about to take down one of the biggest crime organizations that even the highest ranking agents couldn't do. Nova, you are incredible. I don't say this enough, but you keep this building grounded. I'm thankful to have you work with me."

I smile, my eyes watering as I look at him. Kieran has never been one for complimenting others or patting people on the back, so for him to finally acknowledge my work feels really good.

Although I have never told him, I do look up to him. He is a lieutenant that is well known around the state for his ability to get all of his suspects to confess. Just like me.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Don't worry about it kid," he winks, patting my hands before adjusting his tie. "Now go and get me some coffee. Black with a hint of sugar."

I just laugh, shaking my head as I leave his office. I hope that Kieran and I can become real friends. He really does care for his cases and I like to think that he cares for his employees as well.

While I walk down the hallway I feel the urge to ask Daniel to come with me. I've been very distant when it comes to him, and I feel horrible. All he's ever wanted was to be my friend and I had shut him down every time.

"Hey, Daniel?" I knock on his door.

"Nova? Oh Nova, um, one moment," he says fastly.

I hear some papers rustling and something being sprayed before the door opens. A gust of orange scent hits my nostrils, and I do everything in my power to not scrunch my nose up.

"Hi," he smiles brightly.

"Do you want to get some coffee?" I ask.

"With me?"

"I asked you, didn't I?"

"Yes! I mean, yeah sure," he says, his eyes bright as he tries to not smile so widely.

I chuckle under my breath, turning around and walking down the hall. He follows, telling me things about the case he's assigned to. He talks for most of the walk to the coffee shop until I remember that conversations go both ways.

"Have you tried looking at the maternal lineage? Since you have the mitochondrial DNA, and a list of woman suspects, you can see if any of them match up with this mtDNA? One of these suspects may be related to the victim since we can't identify her yet."

"You think that will work?" He asks, his eyes looking at me with admiration. "It's a slim chance."

"Maybe. It wouldn't hurt to try, and it would at least identify her, bringing closure to her loved ones," I shrug. "She could be a missing person."

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