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Nova's POV:

"M-m-mamma!" Squeals Maya.

Oh my gosh! She said her first word! What the fuck!

"Yes I'm mamma," I coo, letting her tiny hand wrap around my finger. "I'm your mamma," I say, happy tears streaming down.

"Mamma!" She cheers.

I quickly wipe my tears away, and carry her in my arms, hugging her motherly. She's my little baby, and I love her so much. I can't believe mamma, me! Was her first word.

"You're my little sunshine you know that," I smile, peppering kisses across her face.

She just begins to giggle, babbling incoherently as he holds onto my braids. Her precious smile with dimples melting my heart.

I will always choose you Maya. My sweet, sweet baby.

I wake up in another cold sweat. My eyes burning from the waves of tears that have escaped from my eyes. I physically can't cry anymore, and I don't want to. I just want to die so I can be with my sweet Maya again. My little baby.

I begin pulling on the chains again. The pain being the only thing I have control of. My heart is numb, and my brain has stopped working. I am just running on autopilot as I continue to yank the un-loosening chain.

"Maya," I whimper. "I'll be with you soon."

As I yank, the cuffs tighten. Both my ankles and wrist were raw, blood dripping down to the metal floor. I just wanted this to be over.

Sorry Xavier. I love you so much, but I just can't live without my daughter.

I go to yank the chain again, but the door opens widely, and I'm hit with a blinding light to my face.


"Maya?" I look up.

I then look up, and see my baby. Her eyes are bloodshot red, and her lip was cut, but other than that she looked untouched.

"Maya! My baby!" I say, reaching out for her, but getting stopped by the chains. "I thought you w-were de—"

"Dead?" Says Ezra, coming into sight. "Well your daughter here is actually very likeable. She's quite funny, unlike you," he sneers. "Also how's the nose? Hope I didn't break it."

"What did you do to my mamma?," states Maya, glaring at Ezra.

"Oh nothing darling. Right Nova?"

"Right," I huff, just thankful that my sweet baby is with me.

"Take those metal things off my mamma. They're hurting her," she says, yanking out of Ezra's grip, and running over to me, and giving me a hug. "Mamma I'm sorry," she whimpers.

"Baby it's not your fault," I whisper, laying my head on her shoulder since the chains don't allow me to hug her. "I'm just glad your okay."

"Okay family reunion over," says Ezra, walking over to us.

Maya's face then turns into a look I've never seen before. Revenge.

Ezra goes to grab Maya's arm, but she turns around and a knife I didn't know she had appears in her tiny hand. She stabs him in the stomach, turning the knife inside of him which cause him to scream in pain.

She then swiftly puts her foot on the keys that he dropped, and kicks it over to me. As Ezra holds onto his stomach, he goes for Maya.

She holds the knife up, and his hand goes through the knife.

Luckily in that time I am able to figure out which key unlocks these metal cuffs and I take myself out of them. I instantly bolt out the door, grabbing Maya, and sprinting out the room.

Ezra tumbles to the floor with the knife still in his hand. He quickly gets up and aims for the door, but I shut it with the help of Maya. As I hold the door shut, my baby finds the right key to lock the door.

"Maya, you don't want to do this! If I find you again, I will kill your mom!" He shouts, banging on the door. "Open this fucking door!"


"Let's go," I say, limping since the adrenaline has now worn off. "We need to get out of here."


"Mamma, are you mad at me?" She asks, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"No baby. Why would I be mad?"

"Because I stabbed that guy. And I don't feel sorry," she says, looking at her hands in guilt.

"I'm not mad. I promise," I say, patting her head.

The first thing I checked when we got out of what I now know was a warehouse, was the date. We were in there for over four days. We were still in Norway which I was grateful for since I could go back to the hotel.

I then remember how bloody, and bruised I am. I can't just fucking walk in there like this. Fuck, I just want to see Xavier again. See Ayla.

I try to carry Maya, but she moves my hands away.

"Mamma I can walk," she states.

It was pouring now. Fuck, can this week get any fucking better. The dirt road we are walking on has now turned into a mud pool. My shoes are getting heavy, so I would assume Maya's are as well.

"Please baby, let me carry you."

"Mamma stop. Just keep walking," she says sternly, but holding my hand tighter. "Just keep walking."

"Okay," I whisper.

Both of us are drenched in water, so thankfully my silent cries are overcasted by the rain. My baby is so strong. So much stronger than I could ever be.

"Nova?! Maya?!" Calls out the voice I love. "Please come back," he whimpers, voice craking.

"Xavy!" Calls out Maya.

"Mija?" He calls back.

Maya pulls my hand, and runs to where his voice is coming from. Xavier keeps on calling out our names and once he sees us he immediately runs to us. He carries us both in his arms, and a sob is released from him.

"I thought I- I thought I lost you both," he cries.

"Were here Xavy," says Maya, hugging him tightly. "I'm a superhero! Remember?"

A deep chuckle vibrates through Xavier's chest as he holds us tighter. I missed him so much. I fucking missed him so much.

My body begins to shake as I try to conceal my cries. The rain was pouring harder onto us, and I was cold. Fuck, I'm so cold.

"Let's get in the car," Xavier says, motioning us to the parked car on the side of the road.

We head inside, and I stay silent. Looking out the window as Xavier talks to Maya about random things.


It's to small. Fuck I can't breath.

I begin to hyperventilate, which causes Xavier to slam on the breaks. He's talking to me, but it's inaudible. All I hear is the beating of my heart. Why is it so loud?

And why was the window so small?

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