chapter three - the most horrible place

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"WHAT?" this kid, is 'what' like the only word he knows?

"nothing." I said looking back at bill who was patiently tapping his cane on the wood waiting for my dialogue to end.

"what do you want with our uncles mind anyway!" dipper said looking at bill

"oh just the code to the old man's safe. inside that shack is a maze of a thousand doors representing your uncles memories. behind one of them is a memory of him imputing the code" bill explained "I just need to find it and Gideon will pay me handsomely." 

"not if we stop you!" Mabel screamed.

sigh. this kid. 

"hah! fat chance. I'm the master of the mind! I even know what your thinking right now!" bill said. 

"that's impossible! nobody can guess what I'm thinking." she protested.

moments before bill made the boy-band guys appear I said "Mabel, I don't know about you (well, I do.) but your a open book. clearly your thinking about those random boys from that dream boy high movie." after I said it everybody looked at me even bill.

"what? he was going to summon them anyway?" I said. summoning them myself to not mess up the timeline to bad. dipper looked at me funny but looked back at bill.

"Woah, where are we bro?" Xyler said. 

"we must be in heaven, cause I just saw an angel." Craz said clearly talking about Mabel. 

"I'm never letting go of your leg!" Mabel said attaching herself to Craz's leg

"your out of your league kids! turn around now before you see something you might regret." he said twirling his cane yet again. "later suckers!"  he said as he tipped his hat off paused to stare at me, and broke the wall. 

"damn. the demon just broke the fucking wall. cool." I said enjoying the scene and floating down to their height

"no! not cool! not cool at all!" dipper said yelling at me and pointing his finger at my face. "you caused him to get away!" 

"ugh calm down kid, I knew this scene would happen, I just sped it up."

"are you psychic?" Mabel asked, hopeful.

"yes, but no. maybe so?" I said unsure of my status.

"what? how can that-?" dipper started

"look kid, the sooner you let go of logic and reality the sooner things you can understand this town, its full of plot twists and all sorts of strange things." man, this kid, if bill doesn't like him I wouldn't be surprised, I swear you have to explain everything to him. 

"says the person who fell from the sky!" he retorted. 

"huh, Mabel told you about that? when?" I asked


"well, I was watching you two the whole time. when did you talk about it?"

"anyway, we are going in." dipper said determined. and ignoring me

"Uh, sir, are you just going to ignore me? really? god, this must be why you're the main character. at least antagonists don't ignore other's potential- actually wait they do, that's how like four thirds of them lose." I said mumbling out loud.

"what are you going on about?" Mabel asked.

"nothing, lets just go in." I said floating towards the doorway

"Mabel, can we leave those guys out here? looking at them hurts my eyes." dipper said, he wasn't wrong they were pretty bright but in the end he was overexaggerating. 

"no! they can help us!" Mabel said. 

wow. ignoring me, your biggest help. actually fuck you, I'm going to be a anti-hero/anti-villian.

"totally!" Xyler and Craz say together. "arm throne!"

Mabel giggles and dipper groans. 

"dude! arm throne!" soos says. "arm throone. armmm thronne" dipper screams and runs inside

ugh, those idiots. onward I guess. hope I don't run into any dream demons. *cough* bill, I'm looking at you *cough* 


a/n: if you have any ideas for random scenes before the main plot that I can use as filler chapters (so I don't have to steal everything from the series) I'm willing to snatch them from you! (credit will be given at the end of the book if requested)

all walls are meant to fall (bill cipher & reader story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat