Chapter thirty || disaster strikes

Start from the beginning

"I take it that's a no then?" My mother asks wrapping a wool blanket around my shoulders. "I never said that." The blanket is warm but not warm enough to make the lingering chill go away. "You don't have to a mother always knows." I hate when she throws the mother card at me. 

"You should talk to him hear more of the story." 

"He left my kid unattended what more could there be to hear?" She nods once agreeing with me. "All I'm saying is that maybe talking can help y'all clear the air." 

"What if I do want to clear the air?" I'm not sure why I say it because it couldn't be farther from the truth. Of course, I want to make things right between us. But how can I when he goes and does stupid things like this? 

"Do you really mean that?" She asks. And since I can't lie to her, I stay silent. Neither answering her, nor denying her question. In the end we both know I'll probably forgive him; I'll just make him work hard to earn it first. 

She stands, grabs her purse, and speaks. "I should probably get going your father's probably wondering what's taking so long." Dad decided to stay outside to let us girls talk amongst ourselves–his words not mine. She pauses at the door staring at me, "I know you Abby you will do the right thing." 

With those last words she's out the door before I even get the chance to speak. In the end when I think about it, no parent is perfect. We have all made mistakes one time or another. A month after the twins were born, I accidentally left Ace at Val's and drove all the way home before realizing my mistake. 

That's what all of this is a stupid mistake and there's really no reason to hold a grudge especially when I know he feels sorry. My finger hovers over the call button when another call comes in. Recognizing the number I pick up. "Hello, Abby?" 

"Yes, sir this is her...what's wrong?" James wouldn't be calling unless he had a valid reason to. That's why my mind instantly goes to the worst thoughts. "I think it's best if you hear this news in person." 

"James what the hell is going on?" 

He's breathing hard and I hope I'm not scaring him because that was never my intention. "Abby it's about the bakery..." Those five words hold a lot of meaning. Whenever someone starts a sentence off with that it's not normally a good thing. My heart beats fast inside my chest as James explains, or tries too anyway. 

When it's clear he's done talking that's when I reply. "What do you mean it's destroyed?" He starts to talk again but I cut him off. "No, I'm coming right now!" 

After rounding up the boys, I get in my car and call Lucy. Explaining the situation and that my mom can't possibly take the boys on such short notice. She tells me not to panic and that the boys always have a place in her house. Dropping them off I thank Lucy again before quickly making my way to my car. 

Shockingly Nathan wasn't home, and I just can't deal with him right now not when my business is on the line. Hand on the handle I'm ready to go. 


My heart stops closing my eyes I turn to face him, only to suck in a breath. He's shirtless and covered in sweat. He hasn't been on a run in a while, he used to go all the time back in college when we were together. 

"I really can't talk right now Nathan I'm in a rush and it's important." His head hangs low but he nods. Watching as I get into my car and pull out of the driveway. Leaving me wondering if things will ever be ok with us again, or we will remain broken forever? 

I kept telling myself the whole way that the damage wasn't that bad. That things would be able to be repaired and we could get back to business. Deep down I knew that wasn't the case. It wasn't until I saw the burned down building that my dreams collapsed. There was no fixing this, my dreams were just as burned out as the building was. 

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