20. Lines Drawn

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There is no way. No way in hell I'm going to let Dante get his way again with me.

No matter how fantastic a kisser he is, no matter how much I want to drown myself in his honey eyes and his scent. No way.

I walk to the suite door opening it fiercely shocking the guard outside.

"You. Link the Beta female and tell her to see me in the Alpha suite, please."

The guard nods as I close the door and wait.

Half an hour later I hear a gentle knock on the door as I rummage in the kitchen for the ingredients to make a BLT sandwich.

Opening the door Melanie smiles tentatively.

"You wanted to see me, Eva?" She asks stepping into the room.

"Yes, I need to know what the procedures are for she-wolves in heat in this pack?" I ask and she looks at me with surprise as I get straight to the point. Her lack of further questions tells me she knows my situation. That and the understanding in her eyes.

"Well, the mated she-wolves who have their own homes usually lock up at home usually with an older she-wolf to help. We also have the baths, some of the younger she-wolves like to stay there, and our pack healer joins them and medicates them. I will be there tonight."

I look up at that.

"What do you mean medicate?" I ask

"She uses a combination of painkillers and her own concoction of herbs to induce a stupor in she-wolves on heat, then they sit in the baths until early morning. I can ask her to provide you with some if you need assistance."

"Alpha told us about Hades and Lilith. I'm so sorry for everything you've been through and I hope you know I'm here for you." She bends her head exposing her neck in submission. I nod accepting her offer of loyalty. I need as many on my side tonight. Well, at least I don't have to replay that sad story again.

"Thank you. I can manage my heat. I've got all the medication I need. What I can't manage is Dante. He revoked his rejection and he wants to help me with my heart tonight which I don't want."

Melanie nods.

"Are you certain you don't want his assistance? He is your mate, as you said he has revoked his rejection, perhaps this is what you both need to fix things." She says gently.

I squeeze my eyes shut rubbing my head against the oncoming headache.

"I absolutely do not need Dante to fix anything. I need him to leave me alone."

Inside me, Lilith growls angrily, I almost groan aloud from the pain of holding her in check.

"When I first came here I asked Kaison and Bryan to assign guards for me during the full moon, but I want to make sure that actually happens. I need three mated guards tonight outside this suite. Preferably older Epsilons, ones that Dante respects and ones that will accept a Luna order."

Melanie nods in understanding. A Luna order carries equal weight as an Alpha order, one cannot negate the other, if either the Alpha or Luna tried to override the other's order all that would happen is the wolf that is under the order would suffer pain, torn between the Alpha and Luna.

"I can recommend a few wolves for you. I am unable to help but Nancy has offered to assist you if you change your mind."

I shake my head. The heat is not pretty. I basically turn into a sweaty horny mess and I'm not comfortable being seen like that by she-wolves I am just forming relationships with.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 2: TAMEDWhere stories live. Discover now